Chapter Five: Andante

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"Harry!" (Y/n) yelled as she wrapped her pink coat around her slender figure.

It was a cold Saturday morning in Hogsmeade, and (Y/n) finally found Harry standing outside The Three Broomsticks with a red-headed boy and a girl with curly and frizzy hair.

"(Y/n)!" Harry waved his hand.

(Y/n) smiled at them and they entered, ordering a Butterbeer at the moment. They all four took a seat near a window after (Y/n) paid for the drinks.

Harry cleared his throat, "So (Y/n), that's Ronald Weasley, but we usually call him Ron." "Nice to meet you, Ron." She smiled.

"And that's Hermione Granger." He gestured at the girl who sat sitting next to her.

"Pleased to meet you, (Y/n)!" She said as they shook hands.

Harry looked at (Y/n), she looked like an angel. She had the most bubbly and cheery personality a person could have ever imagine. He smiled as he watched her laugh with Ron and Hermione.

(Y/n) on the other hand couldn't stop laughing at Ron's lame jokes about Umbridge and Hermione's protests about using only books and not magic.

The four of them spent all day knowing each other, and they became friends pretty fast. Hell, they even invited her to sit in the Gryffindor table whenever she wanted to, not caring about her being a Slytherin.


(Y/n) wondered around the hallways after hanging out with Harry, Hermione and Ron. She was going to look for Dumbledore and talk about the 'little incident' that happened back there in France.

"There you are!" Someone said.

(Y/n) had no time to react, it happened so fast. Someone pulled her inside a dusty closet.

"Lumos." (Y/n) said as the small closet lit up.

When she saw the person's face, her instincts told her to kick him in the part, but she failed miserably.

"Feisty... I like it... You don't know how much that turns me on." The voice whispered.

"Seriously, Draco? Don't you have anything else to do?" She rolled her eyes.

Draco smirked and took the opportunity to crash his lips into (Y/n)'s soft ones. The kiss was rough and needy, making her moan into his mouth. Just as (Y/n) started to kiss back, Draco pulled out and jumped out of the closet.

"Love, get out of there if you don't want to get caught by Umbridge." Draco snickered, seeing (Y/n) there standing with a confused and embarrassed expression.

When (Y/n) stepped out of the closet, Draco started to walk away.

"One more thing, doll face... Try using another stupid spell on me or embarrass me and you'll regret it."

(Y/n) laughed, 'That is so ridiculous.' She thought. If Draco wanted to play games, he chose the wrong person.

"Incendio!" She yelled. Fire came out of her wand, directly making contact with his robe, setting it on fire and making him yell.

She chuckled as she ran away. When she turned to a corner she could still hear Draco's faint yells, making her laugh harder.

It was getting dark, so she walked to the Great Hall, forgetting again about Dumbledore.

"(Y/n) sit with us! We've saved you a seat!" Ron yelled.

(Y/n) smiled and sat with the Gryffindors, receiving jealous stares from the Slytherins and a dirty one from Umbridge.

She sat next to Harry, and she could feel Draco glaring at them. They all enjoyed their food, and Hermione and Harry kept making eye contact. They were thinking about if should they let (Y/n) know about the classes they were having in the Room Of Requirements.

Finally, Hermione spoke up.

"Um... (Y/n)...— "

"Not now, Hermione. Not just yet." Harry cut her off.

(Y/n) made a face. What were they talking about?

They all finished and went to their common rooms, not before saying goodbye, of course.

"Hermione, you just can't go and tell her about the classes! What if she tells Umbridge?" Exclaimed Ron.

"She wouldn't do that. Don't you remember what she said before? 'Umbridge is a stupid excuse of a teacher!' " She recited what (Y/n) had said back there in Hogsmeade.

"I guess you're right," Harry nodded, "it's just... we barely know her. We'll give it some more time."


Draco watched (Y/n) concentrating on her book about Dark Arts, sitting in front of him in the common room.

"How's Mudblood and Weasl?" He sneered, making her shut her book.

"They're good." She smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" He snorted.

"Oh nothing..." She innocently said.

"C'mon (L/n), what is it?"

"Oh... I just wanted to ask... How did it feel when Granger punched you?" She smirked.

Draco opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, he just looked at her with an angered expression.

"You obviously didn't tell Lucy (Lucius) that she punched you, didn't you?" She said as she watched his pale cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise, who were sitting next to her, started to laugh.

"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" He commanded, wich made them laugh harder.

"Or what? Your father's gonna hear about it?" She gasped.

'Wait until he actually does.' He thought.

Then he cursed under his breath and left, heading to his room.

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