Chapter Twelve: Moderato

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(Y/n) closed her eyes and exhaled. She felt something pull her locket forcefully, wich caused her to gag. She held onto the necklace, not wanting to give in.

"It's time for you to give it back, darling."

'What? The locket? No way.' She thought.

She opened her eyes and let a flashback run through her mind:

"I have a gift for you. It is a locket, to represent your house pride, you see, since you are a Slytherin." He smiled.

"But why would you give me such thing, if I haven't done anything to be rewarded for?" She asked.

"Consider it like an 'apology' present for your 'bumpy' trip to Hogwarts. But promise me one thing, keep it always with you, and don't ever lose it. Great things will happen to you, and many will want to take that away from you."

Smiling brightly at the old man's kindness, she promised him to never lose his special gift.

But what she didn't know was, the promise she made was the contract she signed for her own death.

She wanted to turn around so badly, to see who was the person or thing that wanted to take her locket away so badly 'Dumbledore was right', but she needed to do what the book said. What could be the harm of turning around and see who was the thief?

(Y/n) was running out of time, she was starting to gasp for air and she felt her neck was severely wounded because of the chain. Not being able to think clearly, she reached her wand with her left arm.

Gritting her teeth, she pointed her wand to her back and mumbled some Stupefy's, Incendio's, Impedimenta's... but those spells didn't seem to work at all.

Her vision was blurry and her head was spinning. She was at the verge of death and she was afraid that the chain was going to snap in any moment. But she wouldn't give that thing the satisfaction of stealing her locket. Could it be that spell...?

(Y/n) sat on her bed while her mother combed her hair. They were both happily singing a french song, called 'Comme d'habitude'. Bellatrix smiled wickedly as the little girl reached the highest notes, it reminded her of a bird.

"...Et puis le jour s'en ira
Moi je reviendrai comme d'habitude
Toi, tu seras sortie
Pas encore rentrée comme d'habitude
Tout seul j'irai me coucher
Dans ce grand lit froid comme d'habitude
Mes larmes, je les cacherai
Comme d'habitude..."

"E- Expecto Patronum!"


"Don't eat those, they're not yours!"

"Bloody hell, calm down, will you? I was just taking a small bite!"

"I think she's waking up!"

(Y/n) kept her eyes closed and dedicated to listen to their closest friends' voices. She faintly smiled, she didn't need to see their faces, she already knew who was who.

The three Gryffindors gasped when they felt two arms wrapped around their bodies, making them smile and hug back.

"We were worried, (Y/n)!" Exclaimed Herms, taking her hand.

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