Chapter Ten: Presto

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(Y/n) didn't know what to do. For the first time, she didn't know what to do. 'Goddammit, Draco!' She thought as she looked around frantically, as she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer by the second.

"(Y/n) (L/n)!" She heard her name called again. Except for this time, she could see who was calling her name.

It was Snape.

This was a total shame, the one and only (Y/n) Lestrange, caught by her potions teacher while having a sexy time with his cousin. Her expression was worth a thousand words, she was clearly distressed. Her skin was paler that it already was and her (e/c) eyes were wide.

"I- I'm s- sorry, I- it -"

"Ms. (L/n), you know that sexual acts are prohibited." He said, gritting his teeth. "I'm very disappointed, Ms. (L/n). Remember that what you just did has its consequences. I could expell you if I wanted, but your an excellent student." With that, he turned around and left.

"Wait!" Called (Y/n), making Snape turn around. "What about Malfoy? Clearly, It's not fair that I only get the punishment!"

"I'll take care of him. Meanwhile," he made a quill and a piece of parchment appear, "you'll be staying in the library tomorrow..." he said while he made the quill write on the piece of parchment. "Ms. (L/n), I suggested that you go to bed, if you don't want me to double your punishment." He said and left.

6:00 PM at the library - Detention for Ms. (L/n)

Professor Severus Snape.

(Y/n) was clenching her jaws so hard making her think that her teeth might snap in a moment. She needed to relax, to think about a fair revenge to Draco.


The next day couldn't get any worse. As (Y/n) came downstairs for breakfast, Draco was in their common room, with her underwear on his wand, and waving it like a banner. Students were gathered around him, asking him what happened, who was this girl, when did it happen... Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini were snickering with him, making (Y/n) want to Crucio them over and over again.

She sat with her Gryffindor friends, and decided that they will be having  classes tonight. When they were going to their first class, wich was Herbology, Harry made (Y/n) stay with him.

The boy lead her outside, and they both sat under a tree.

"What happened? What really happened?" He asked, trying to find out more about her.

(Y/n) looked at her hands. She have always liked her hands, her fingers were long and slender, and they entertained her. "Well... I don't remember anything at all."

Harry stared at her in disbelief. Obviously, (Y/n) wasn't going to tell him anything.

"C'mon, (Y/n). You can trust me." He said, grabbing both of her hands.

As much as she appreciated Harry's concern, he was being an obstacle. She needed to do something about it.

"Okay... I... I just heard voices, that's all I remember." She whispered. "After all, I passed out. You can't really know what's happening around you if your out."

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