Chapter Two: Largo

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(Y/n) peeked through the door to see if someone was around and quietly left the room.

In the days she had been staying at the manor, she had locked herself in the guestroom, trying to avoid her stupid cousin.

And what has been the results of that? Hunger. Lots of it. So every night she would sneak out and ask for some food to the house elfs.

"Hello there, miss. What can I help you with?" Asked an elf.

"Nothing, just... Um, serve me the leftovers."

After some minutes the elf came and placed the food on the table. The meal consisted of a piece of chicken, rice and some pie. (Y/n) quickly dug in, not caring about the footsteps that were approaching the kitchen.

"Hungry, are you? You wouldn't have to eat the leftovers if you actually could leave your room" A cold voice smirked.

She took a sip of her pumpkin juice and turned around, seeing Draco shirtless. She would be lying if she told herself that he wasn't good looking.

"You seem to be avoiding me, why?" The pale blonde asked.

(Y/n) lifted her brow. 'Are you freaking kidding me?' She thought. Placing the goblet to the table she stood up and crossed her arms.

"Well, if you didn't do what you did the other day, maybe we could have gotten along just fine." She rolled her eyes.

"(Y/n), dear... Haven't you been touched before?" He said while walking to her and pinning her against the table.

He then started to kiss her passionately, but (Y/n) didn't kiss him back. Seeing that she wasn't reacting, he kissed her neck as he ran his hands through her sides.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, and as much as she wanted to grip Draco's blonde locks and kiss him back, she pushed him away. "You're an arse, Draco Malfoy. And yes, I've been touched before, you see... But that's none of your bloody business." She hissed.

"How come you have been touched before? You act like you haven't, though." He smirked.

"See? You said it yourself, I act like it." She frowned, those type of conversations were awkward for her.

"Prove it then, prove that it's all just an act." He said with a smug look.

"I can't, you just have to trust me."

Draco's face was amused but (Y/n) couldn't see it because she already left the kitchen. "You can come to me whenever you want... I'm always available!" He yelled.

(Y/n) smirked and shook her head. "Arse..." She muttered as she entered her room again.

She laid on her bed and closed her (e/c) eyes. Tomorrow the classes will begin again and she was excited to go back to Beauxbatons and see her friends.

She hugged her pillow and screeched at it, thinking about the kiss. It felt wrong that she enjoyed it, I mean, c'mon. They were cousins. But it also felt good.


Dear (Y/n) (L/n),

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry.

Yours sincerely, Professor McGonagall.

Letters, letters was the only thing that (Y/n) has been receiving these weeks. There were thousands of owls flying around to deliver her the letters, not bothering if she was in class, in the bathroom or even sleeping.

"Mademoiselle (L/n)!" Madame Olympe Maxine, the Beauxbatons headmistress called her.

"Oui?" "What is this," the headmistress pulled one Hogwarts letter out of her pocket, "why have you been receiving these? Are you planning to leave us?"

"No— God, no!" She stuttered. "Well, if you're not going to, then I expect you to do something about this, young lady. The castle is full of these!" She gestured her hand for her to look everywhere, and indeed the place was full of them.

(Y/n) nodded and turned around, heading to the Sournois common room.

The next morning something had woken her up. "C'mon, Ms. (L/n), we don't want to be late for class, do we?" A man's voice said.

(Y/n) groaned and rubbed her eyes and saw a tall figure next to her. "W-who are you?" She asked, pulling the blue covers with her.

"My name is Rubeus Hagrid, and I, will be taking you to Hogwarts"

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