Ch-16: Akhlys the bitch

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She stood there, as evil looking as anyone could be. Her skin was dried like a log, so fucking sallow. Her eye sockets were dark and sunken. So creepy. Her stringy grey hair looked like a bunch of cobwebs, I was worried that one of the spiders on their might crawl onto me. Her fingernails were long and it seemed as if she had been clawing her presently bloody cheeks with them. Her knees were swollen, elbows knobby and her clothes were similar to the rags my mother used for cleaning. Dust swirled around her feet.

She stared at me with her wet milky eyes, that had already fucked the creep out of m-, I mean creeped the fuck out of me with eyes like those. Gods she was the definition of devilishly miserably evilly psycotic nature. Her voice was shrill and cold, like the hail, it was extremely raspy, as If something had been stuck in her throat for years but she hadn't even tried to take it out. Right now, she seemed to be waiting for our reply.

"Hello, lovely goddess, it is actually Mix. Verma"

"And Master di Angelo", Nico whispered. He seemed to cower behind me for some reason. He had gone fully quiet, if he hadn't been quiet enough since our trip.

"Who's master are you. Of your own feeling? Oh no, you lost control a while ago, did you even have control over them ever? Of the dead? They consider you beneath themselves. Oh Nico you aren't anyone's master, you could never be. You weren't made for that, you don't deserve that. You know that, you just don't seem to accept the fact"

"Shut up!", Nico yelled. The loudest he ever had, his voice even sounded at least an octave higher. His voice even cracked halfway, this was different than the quiet, somewhat sophisticated Nico I always saw and seemed to know pretty well.

"Nico di Angelo, child of Hades. Gone through so much pain, gone through so many hardships. I can't even think of anything that will inflict more pain then what you have been in. You are even more miserable than m-"

Nico took my hand and we turned into black smoke. I felt my head spinning, and the annoying feeling that I am going to puke but actually I am not, it is just that my diet is not right, as if the world had collapsed itself onto me. Holy fuck! It probably had. Were we too late?

No Krishna, get a fucking grip over your gods-be-damned self!

I slapped myself to see straight, we were somewhere else. Somewhere not so bad as wherever in hell we were in the earlier days, but neither as good as Leto's safe house nor places on Gaia on which I had been on.

Holy shit! Did Nico just fucking teleport us from somewhere to fucking nowhere.

It was all mauve and mustard brown, gods save me from the weirdest colour combinations I have seen in the past months!

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