Chapter 33

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A/n: What's up my dudes! It's been wayyyy too long. Life has crazy as I'm approaching new chapters of my life. I decided that I'm going to try to crank out some chapters real quick this week because I have the week off of work and stuff and I gotta finish this book. You deserve it! You've been waiting far too long.

I hoped on Wattpad for the first time in months and months to start writing, and find this completed chapter as a draft... I guess I forgot to publish it. I'm going to start writing the next one as soon as I hit publish. See you soon :)

Word count- 1966 words


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Your POV

It was the first night in nearly a week that I had gotten a good night of sleep. I felt kind of guilty, knowing that Buster was up almost all night with Gunter trying to figure out how the show was going to end. I'm sure that the stage crew had a lot to do as well, building and placing new pieces to fit the colorful and eccentric ideas of Gunter. But I woke up feeling better than I had in weeks, energized and ready to do the dress rehearsal.

We all got into our costumes, including all of the accessories and the makeup. The rehearsal was going smoothly, but I couldn't help but feel a huge sense of dread. Sure, it was fun to go inside of the spaceship and fly through the air with Gunter, but the thought of doing it at the performance didn't feel right.

"Captains log," I said when I got off of the spacecraft, mid scene,"I must take care, for I have landed on the planet of war."

I looked up to Buster. "Can I take a second, please?"

"Oh, yeah, go right ahead," He agreed.

I walked over, taking off the helmet as I did so. "I don't think I can do this."

"What do you mean? You're doing great!"

"Don't get me wrong, this is fun and all, but this part was made for Rosita, and the alien part for me. I think we should let her try it again."

"Okay, yeah, as long as you and her are okay with that. You'll both have to practice a lot to catch up on learning the parts."

"Yeah, that's okay." I nodded. "I remember all of my lines."

* * * * *

Shortly after I told Buster that I wanted to give the part back to Rosita, he had to go and talk to Crystal. I guess he had enough of waiting for Calloway and thought we would or were already making him look like a fool. I worried for Buster—Crystal was shady. But if anyone could find their way out of a sticky situation, it would be Buster.

About twenty minutes later, Miss Crawly walked over to us and said that Buster wanted us all to meet in his room with our things, and that it was urgent. My first thought was that Mr. Crystal was definitely kicking us out because he thought our show wasn't good enough, but the fact that Buster had used the word urgent made me think that this could be something a lot worse.

After spreading the word to everyone, we all ran to our rooms and got our stuff together. Around ten minutes later we all made our way down the hall to Buster's room.

"What's going on?" Johnny asked.

"Do you think Mr. Crystal thinks our show isn't good enough?" Meena added.

"I'm not sure, but he said it was urgent," I stated.

Gunter reached up and knocked on the door to Buster's room and were shocked when Calloway himself answered the door. We all gasped, "Clay Calloway."

Johnny x reader SingWhere stories live. Discover now