Chapter 17

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A/n: Hey, my dudes! I'll say this now and in my last A/n, but sorry this chapter is short and has a sucky ending... the next one will end up being longer, that's just how it worked out.

Word count- 1161 words


Your POV

The next day before heading to my practice room I made my way to Buster's office. I wanted to ask him about my song choice; he talked about giving me more positive, uplifting songs, but the songs we gave me weren't, not that I minded.

"Hello?" I said softly, knocking before peeking my head in.

"(Y/n), hi! Yes, come on in," He said cheerfully, as always.

I walked in and took a seat, as he had gestured to the chair at his desk. I wanted to ask about the songs you gave me to choose from."

"Yes! I remember I wanted to give you a certain kind to pick from, but I thought the five you have were a better fit."

I nodded. "Is it because... of me?"

"Well yes, but no." He quickly pulled up a website  on his computer and shoved a newspaper into my hands. "The fans have taken a liking to you," He said. "They think that you're really relatable."

My eyes widened as I read the words on the paper and the screen of his laptop. Dozens of people were talking about me, and not one negative word could be spotted anywhere. It felt surreal. Surely this couldn't be happening.

"Me? They like... me?"

Buster nodded happily. "You did good kid. The fans love you. Listen to this," he pulled another article up, "The Black Hood touches the hearts of thousands. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it."

"I... I don't know what to say."

"They love you."

I just nodded. I don't think I could have said anything even if I wanted to.

"Get back to work—you have a whole bunch of people to please."

I nodded once more and left his office without another word, unable to speak.

They love you, his voice rang through my head. And the articles.. this felt like a dream.

* * *

After warming up and practicing our solos we headed to the stage to begin to learn the choreography that Gunter had created in an all-nighter. The lack of sleep didn't seem to be slowing him down in the slightest though.

"And then on this part," he let the music play, "you spin." He demonstrated. "And then," he walked up to Johnny and I, "you grab her hand, Johnny, and then spin her, and then she'll end up on front of you."

After a few awkward attempts and some critiques we had gotten it to Gunter's liking. "Then you need to move your hips!"

"But I can't," I said. It was true, I couldn't dance very well, which I learned in the past half hour of trying, but it was also because I was practically pressed up against Johnny, and now Gunter wanted me to move my hips.

"Of course you can. Everyone can dance, you just need to let your body parts flow with the music."


"Nope!" He said with a smile. "Just let the music tell you what to do."

He played it and I gave it a shot. He said I did well, but I still had ended up turning an embarrassing shade of red; I wish I had my cloak and hood on.

* * *

It was a long two hours of dancing before Buster said we could call it a night. I had embarrassed myself so much I wasn't sure if I would ever recover. I felt so bad for Johnny, who had to dance with me. There were so many parts that we were so close. There's one moment that our chests are pressed together for a few seconds, and I bet he wishes that Gunter didn't add that part.

I grabbed my phone before leaving my practice room. I stared into Johnny's as I left; it was dark and empty. He had left early since he had arranged to meet with his dad at the prison, and while I'm happy that he gets to see him, I'm slightly disappointed that he wasn't going to walk me home again.

What am I talking about? I shouldn't wish that he would, because there was no way he would want to keep walking me home. Still, I couldn't help but feel that way.

The thought of Johnny made me think of our interaction at my house yesterday. I looked down at my hands, which I had rewrapped with fresh bandages this morning. His kindness was truly amazing.

I also thought about what he had told me: that everyone liked me, and that I should invite them to dinner. My heart started to pound at the thought of talking to them all about something that wasn't work related. I desperately wished that Johnny was here, he would help me out.

I knew he would want me to do this. Strangely, I found my feet seeming to move by themselves and walking to the front of the theater, where everyone was leaving.

"Guys," I said quietly, and nobody heard me. "Guys, hey!" I said louder, and everyone turned to me and my stomach dropped. "Umm... hi. I was wondering if you guys wanted to, you know, get dinner or something after practice. Maybe tomorrow."

Nobody said anything.

"I mean if you don't want to that's totally fine. I mean, why would you? It was stupid that—"

"Of course we would," Ash said.

"Yeah, but I'll have to ask my mom," Meena added.

"Count me in!" Gunter added.

"Same with me," Ash said.

"I'll see if I can find a sitter," Rosita exclaimed.

I couldn't believe that they all wanted to come with me. Me.

"Okay... umm, I'll see you tomorrow then."

They all agreed and said their goodbyes before leaving. I walked home, so consumed in thoughts from all of the crazy things that had happened today that the walk home was extremely short.

I made my way through the grand front doors carefully. I was used to being quiet when I needed to be. I could practically speak anywhere without being heard. My mom and Eddie must have not heard my entrance, because I heard my name thrown around in their conservation.

"She's doing really good," Eddie said. "She's really opened up."

"That's good to hear," My mom said. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she had a smile on her face. "Good to know that she's making friends."

I quickly rushed to my room and flung myself onto my bed. It almost seemed like too much—everything that had happened today, but it still felt nice somehow.

* * *

A/n: Sorry for a short chapter with a sucky ending, but chapter 18 will be here soon : )

See ya next time, my dudes!


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