Chapter 5: I Found You

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Chapter Five
"I Found You"

Dimitri was standing across from me, expression blank from emotion. But his eyes—his eyes showed something completely different.

Unable to breathe, I remained frozen with an expanded chest and widening eyes. No one was saying anything, and that just made my anxiety worsen by the second. Dimitri's gaze was wandering over my face again, eyes lit with satisfaction, just as a body ran through the entrance.

Neither of us glanced their way, too absorbed in each other. The new voice asked hesitantly, "Is everything okay?" Ajay.

My mouth opened, and I snapped my gaze to my boss. But as I was about to desperately exclaim that no, nothing was okay, Dimitri barked harshly, "Leave." He continued to bite out a sentence in Russian, and Ajay paled, not even bothering to glance my way before stumbling back. Even worse? He closed the door.

Calculatingly, Dimitri twisted his head back to me, inch by inch, until I could see his dark eyes watching me with pleasure. And although his jaw locked, I didn't miss how he continued to focus on my face. Like he was really making sure it was me.

In the five years, I know I haven't changed much. Everything was about the same, except for my clothes. I've definitely gotten better since he last saw me. But Dimitri...

Something darker seemed to have taken over him. Even though he had been intimidating when we were teens, everything about him appeared more wicked. Dangerous. Chilling. The only thing that remained were his Caribbean blue eyes, but they no longer glistened like I was used to.

His hair was darker and still a mess on top of his head, but now, he had a full stubble covering his jaw and around his mouth. My hand twitched, just at the thought of touching his cheek, and I quickly shoved those ideas away.

When I dropped my focus a little lower, I sucked a breath when I saw him in slacks and a dark blue button up. Worse, his sleeves were shoved to his elbows, and I felt my body burning when I saw how different his muscles looked. Before, he'd been leaner, but that was gone now. Dimitri was pure muscle, his arms toned with veins and bulges that I felt like he could easily lift me with one hand.

Something in my chest quaked. In fear.

Dimitri found me. He knows where I work. My boss is apparently afraid of him.

These facts were coming at me like lightening, and I softly gasped for air when I realized I hadn't inhaled for what felt like minutes. My fingers were curling around my apron in a tight grip when I finally forced myself to tilt my head up. Somehow, he'd gotten taller.

His eyes were still on me, silently watching while I had a panic attack in front of him. I glanced where Ajay left from, and he faintly cocked his head. His expression still empty, but he seemed to acknowledge what I was thinking.

"I own the bar," he declared smoothly, and I had to stop my legs from shaking. His lip almost rose in a barely there smirk. "Isn't it how funny fate works?"

Still hyperventilating, all I managed was to stare at him with a gaping mouth.

His lip rose again, but I couldn't decipher what he was thinking. However, it wasn't long until the humour died from his features, and he was concentrating on me soberly.

Dimitri's attention fell to my face again, and the tension between his brows lessened as he looked me over. Then, roughly, under his breath, he murmured, "I found you."

His eyes snapped to mine, and despite my uneasy thoughts, I didn't miss the brief hints of surprise filtering his gaze as he watched me.

My lips parted, but no words came out.

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