Chapter 21: Flashbacks

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Chapter Twenty-One

   "What's that?" Luba asked as she entered my bedroom, making me jump back in surprise.

   Clenching a hand to my chest, I chuckled forcefully before glancing over my shoulder. Instinctively, I scanned her body to ease my worry, only to notice she just came home from work.

   Realizing I hadn't answered her question, I lifted the blazer in my other hand. "This?"

   Her eyebrows were raised expectedly before she leaned against the door frame. "Is it someone's birthday that I don't know about?" Her focus jumped between the jacket and the silver gift bag sitting neatly on my made bed—the same bed that has a frame, thanks to Dimitri.

   "No. Uh." I chuckled awkwardly before using both hands to gently fold the material. I kept my gaze downward, so my hair blocked my flushing cheeks. "It's for Dimitri. You know, as a thank you."

   There was an excruciatingly long moment of silence. It wasn't until the blazer was safely inside the bag did Luba laugh, in amusement and surprise. "You're making him gifts now?" She said between her chuckles. "Is this what you've been working on all night?"

   "Not all night." My brows creased at her words. Have I been working on this jacket for the last week? Yes. But I only had the time between shifts. Luckily, I wasn't working all of Sunday, so I was glued to my machine until I finished the emerald green blazer at one in the morning.

   When I went to the fabric store with Dimitri last week, I'd been debating on what colour to make his blazer. Black was my first thought, but then I remembered him once mentioning that his favourite colour was dark green. Which was weird, since I never saw him wearing it.

   So when I found the perfect shade of green at the store, I ended up grinning like a maniac. I felt like I looked crazy, holding the bundle of fabric to my chest like it was a baby, but Dimitri never made a comment. He watched me like I was the only thing worth looking at and smiled a smile that was meant just for me.

   "Right," Luba dragged out, bringing my attention back to her. "So this is just... a thank you present?"

   "Exactly." I nodded sharply, hoping that if I did it hard enough, I'd believe it.

   Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "I'm nineteen, not stupid." Abruptly, she shot her hand up and started lifting a finger. "He's respectful of your boundaries. He moved us out from that shitty building. Bought you most of the furniture in this apartment and got you a new machine. He makes sure you have a new bouquet of roses every week and quite literally follows you around like a lost puppy. And don't even get me started on you, Sav. You changed too and it's honestly for the better, but you're in so much denial it's hurting my brain."

   By the time she finished her rant, her chest was heaving while she tried to catch her breath. "So there. Continue being delusional that this is just a thank you, but know I'm going to sit in the front row watching all this," she gestured to me and the present, "unfold. Good day."

   Completely stunned, I only managed to stutter her name before she stomped once and raised her chin. "I said good day sir!" And with that, strutted out of my room.

   Laughing from her dramatic exit, I shouted, "I'm leaving in thirty minutes. I made macaroni and cheese for you!"

   It was quiet for a moment before she begrudgingly replied, "Thank you."

   Hiding a smile beneath my hair, I continued moving around my room. But as I reached out to open my closest, I heard her tread to my bedroom again. "Did you eat?"

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