Chapter 15: You're Human

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Chapter Fifteen
"You're Human"

"That's the last of it," Luba yawned, patting the cardboard box she shoved inside the trunk of the van. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired of packing."

I wanted to comfortingly say that this would be the last time, but it felt like I'd only be saying a lie. So, I just tightened my lips to a smile and nodded. "Think about it this way. We're going somewhere safer."

She snorted. "Nowhere is safe in New York City, Sav. You just have to learn to save yourself."

Leaning against the back of the van, I crossed my arms and grinned, resisting the urge to reach out and pinch her cheek. "Speaking of saving ourselves—"

Her eyes rolled dramatically. "Nice transition—"

"You're still going to carry the mace."

"Obviously," she laughed, pressing her back against the boxes piled into the trunk. She cocked her head knowingly. "I'm not a little girl anymore, Sav. You don't have to remind me of these things."

Pursing my lips slightly, I shook my head. "I don't remind you because I don't think you're capable. It's just a reflex. You know I trust you."

She smiled faintly. "I know." With a dragging sigh, Luba cocked her head to the side, eyes drifting over our surroundings—which wasn't much. We were outside of our apartment building in the middle of the day. Besides some groups of people walking on the sidewalks, it wasn't busy on the streets.

"Do you think he's gonna show up?" Her question had me tilting my head back to her, surprised to see her concentrating on me with an amused gleam in her eye.

Playing stupid, I asked, "Who's he?"

"You know who he is," she drawled, her tone laced with a mixture of annoyance and humour. "I put money on yes."

Ignoring how my heart sped up a little faster, I laughed lightly. "I doubt it. The last time I saw him was that night he basically ordered us to leave—"

"Which you willingly agreed to."

I glared at her but continued. "And he only messaged me twice after that, both times about the apartment."

"The apartment you haven't even seen yet," she accused.

"I haven't seen it, but Dimitri sent me the address, and it's in the Upper East Side. It's somewhere safe. That's all that matters."

"Is it a studio? One bedroom? Two?" She shook her head disappointingly. "You need to ask these questions."

Shooting her a dry look, I deadpanned, "I asked the important ones. How much the rent is. Is it close to work. Is there a fire escape. Is there hot water."

She pursed her lips but didn't retort. With a short exhale, the tension in her features loosened. "Is it... is it in our price range? The East Side is expensive."

"He said he knows a real estate agent who was going to put an apartment for rent. He told him our price range and he agreed to give it to us after looking at my credit score." I smiled confidently. Luba rolled her eyes.

"It's probably a dumpster," she grumbled, dismissing the conversation as she twisted her body, so she was facing the car. I pushed myself off the van and watched her shut the trunk.

With a coo, I said, "So pessimistic."

"Realistic." I pretended to nod in agreement, but as I started to smile, it came to an abrupt halt when Luba asked, "Who is that?"

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