Chapter 6: Runner

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Chapter Six

   Luba didn't take my words lightly.

   The moment I told her of Dimitri's return to the city, she started searching for rental car companies while simultaneously ordering me to pick up boxes from a store. At one point, I worriedly brought up her school, and she quickly stopped me, declaring that she'd go somewhere else.

   Although, a part of me didn't like that idea, because she was at NYU with a full scholarship. Would other schools give her the same opportunity?

   Not that I would have the chance to ask. Luba was determined to leave.

   I never spoke to Ajay. Not about me quitting, or me leaving the city—which I thought was best. But I made sure to dial my manager at the real estate broker, using family problems as a reason to leave short notice. He seemed annoyed, but asked I keep in touch, so he knows where to send my last paycheck.

   Within a week, we rented a car, and while Luba was finishing up her shifts at the diner, I stayed at the apartment, packing boxes—which were thankfully free at the home improvement store. It also didn't take long to pack, since we barely owned anything. Our furniture was either picked up on the side of the road, or thrifted. The mattress was the only thing that wasn't completely run down, because it belonged to Annabelle before she decided to buy herself a new one.

   I hadn't told Annabelle or Raf about us leaving yet. Mostly because I knew they'd convince me to stay, especially Annabelle, who vaguely remembered that time of my life. She didn't know much because I thought it'd be too dangerous for her to know who I'd been involved with, but she was aware that I had a boyfriend, and that we ended on bad terms.

   I had to tell her something, because after I ran away from Dimitri, I came back home, grabbed Luba and some essentials before heading to Annabelle's. We stayed with her for a month until I decided to go back to the apartment. The moment I turned eighteen a few weeks later, we moved to the vacant apartment next to her.

   Memories from that time of my life always made my heart twist in aggravating pain. But I forced myself to focus on the rental car. I let myself be surprised at my amazing Tetris skills, because I managed to fit all the boxes in the car. The mattress was successfully strapped on top, and I was even able to stuff the bench and table inside.

   With an encouraging smile, I closed the trunk and clapped my hands together in satisfaction. Beautiful. For the first time in a week, the tension I'd been holding slowly dissipated.

   Once the car was locked, I stuffed the key in my jean pocket and spun to enter my building again. But my steps quickly faltered as I opened the door, vaguely hearing a car screeching down the street.

   Gripping the handle tighter, I briefly glanced over my shoulder, only to knock my head back in surprise when I saw Raf's run down, mustard yellow car turning sharply into the parking lot. Seeing him drive this recklessly made my face contort with worry, but I still released the door handle and jogged to the curb as he braked roughly, a few feet from me.

   My mouth fell in a short gasp when he threw his door open and circled the hood of his car, eyes flaring with anger and hurt. I flinched when he stopped in front of me, looking me over critically before speaking.

   "That's it? You're planning on leaving, and you didn't even think of telling me?"


   "Don't Raf me, Sav," he barked, but he softened his tone when he saw me cringe with hurt. "How could you? And I had to find out from your sister? Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

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