Twenty five

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A month and a half passed since Lakyn and Emmett have been on their honeymoon. No one has contacted them as they told them no calling. Emmett wanted his time with his wife and that is what he was doing, unless it was an emergency.

One morning, Lakyn was walking when she suddenly felt sick. Emmett saw her throwing up and ran to her. Feeling her hair being hold up, Lakyn looked at her husband. "I suddenly had this feeling that I need to throw up."

"Did you eat anything bad?" Emmett signed.

Lakyn thought of what she ate and shook her head no. "I don't think so..." she started throwing up again.

Once she was done, Emmett picked her up and carried her back to the house. He needed Carlisle and that's what he is going to do after he lays Lakyn done. Hopefully Carlisle knows what's wrong with his wife.
Sometime that day, Lakyn woke up to see Carlisle. "Why is everyone here?"

"Emmett called telling us you were sick and had know clue why." Carlisle signed. "I have the local hospital running some test."

Lee looked at Alice to see she was having a vision. "What do you see, Alice?"

"A redhead." She says. "I've seen her before..."

Lee looked at Rosalie as she shrugged not understanding what was going on. Emmett walked out of the room with Carlisle talking. "I'm worried."

"They are trying to find out what's going on." Carlisle says. "For now, it's a waiting game."

Emmett nodded. "I'm going to go be with my wife."

Esme sighed. "Their honeymoon isn't over and this happens."

"I think we may have discovered something about Emmett and Lakyn's bond."

Alice walked out with a picture of two girls one red and the other Lakyn. "It's her I saw."


"Edward's mate."

So sorry for the long wait and short chapter. I wanted it longer, but I couldn't think of anything. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Till next time.

Perfect-Emmett Cullen Where stories live. Discover now