07 - nerves and nerves and nerves

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Song: Chase Atlantic - Consume (slowed)


With the help of Lenny, who's surprisingly strong, we manage to haul all my things out and back to the penthouse in just under three hours.

It felt weird stepping back into my house again, even though I had only left for a day, and as usual it was quiet. Not a little peep of a sound.

It's like everyone left before I came so they didn't have to see me, but whatever.

Now we're just transporting the last of the boxes to my room before I have to get ready for dinner tonight.

It's been playing on my mind all day, and I can still feel the nervous buzz that runs through my body.

It's curiosity that eats me though, because I just want to know what Rocco needs to talk to me about. He seemed really serious about it before he stormed off, leaving me along in that security room of his.

What is his problem with running away?

At least I have all of my clothes now, so I'll look at least half decent walking around.

I knock the button for the elevator doors with my elbow, careful not to tip the cardboard box in my hands as I wait for the doors to open.

The ride up is, as usual, silent, and I take that time to run over the details of my new 'life'.

The only perks, it seems, are Zeus, my clothes, my books, my heart shaped sunglasses, and the fat that I'm living in a God-amazing penthouse with a grumpy man.

Scratch the grumpy man.

When the elevator doors open, I'm met with voices. Two voices to be exact, and one is a female.

If this guy thinks he has the audacity to bring women home while he's married, then I'm going to have a real problem.

I drop the box on the floor next to the entrance of the living room and peek my head inside.

There's a tall girl.

I think the fact that she's wearing heels makes her taller, but it looks like without them, she's still quite tall.

She has dark brown hair that's cropped to just below her ears, and her eyes. Woah.

Her eyes are such a scalding shade of green that I nearly topple over.

She has the exact same cheekbones as Rocco, and where his mouth is always set in a grim line, her's seems to be quite the opposite.

She's pretty.

Scratch that.

She's beautiful.

Rocco's back is facing towards me, and he seems to be wearing a black dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, and God his back muscle-

No. Remember the potential divorce.

Suddenly I hear a squeal and then heeled shoes running towards me, the sound echoing around the high-ceilinged room.

The girl is running towards me now, and she has the biggest smile on her face that I can't resist smiling back at her.

Then I'm being squished.

Very hard.

And my eardrums feel like they are going to burst as she squeals in my ear again.

I let out a breathless laugh, trying to gulp in air because of her vice like grip around me, and I'm offered relief when she pulls away, her hands still firmly planted on my shoulders.

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