47 - cherries and wine

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Song: Lana Del Rey - Cherry (slowed n reverb)


"What the fuck is going on here?"

I almost let out a laugh at the look on Rocco's face. Unsurprisingly, anger.

Well, maybe he was more pissed off than angry because his jaw was twitching fast and his hands were held tightly in a fist, skin white from how hard he was tensing them.

"I should probably just go." Ren says awkwardly, and I turn to him, patting his arm and sending him a reassuring smile before watching him walk out of the room, Rocco's eyes following his every movement as he does so. 

The door shuts softly behind him, and I cover up the urge to let out another impulsive laugh because I know it will only irritate Rocco more, and I know better than to do that.

"So, how was work?" I try to change the subject, but clearly it doesn't work because Rocco turns to me, that stormy expression on his face still. His jaw seems to have stopped twitching now, so I guess that's a good sign.

I want cherries.

"Mia, don't play with me." He says, and I can visibly see his teeth clench through his skin as I think of a way to appease him.

"What do you mean?" And it seems the only way that's happening is by playing dumb. I also feel like toying with him a little bit more just because I find it funny when he gets pissed off so easily.

"You know what I mean." He takes a few steps closer to me, his hazel eyes narrowed in my direction as he takes me in.

"Umm." I pretend to scratch my chin and think, and his hand comes out to wrap around my wrist tightly, the contact making me let out an involuntary shiver as he steps even closer to me.

"Why were you hugging Ren." I sigh dramatically and point to the sofa, gesturing that we should sit down so I can explain.

"Gianna came to the office." I look down as I speak, not wanting to see the hurt on Rocco's face when I mention his sister. 

Just thinking of what she did makes a cold feeling settle over my body. Rejection feels hot on my skin too, and the only thing that grounds me from a meltdown is Rocco. His finger tips up my chin so I'm looking in his eyes, and his face has lost the intense negative emotion, now replaced with a slightly soft look, understanding creasing his features.

He sits down on the sofa and pulls me down with him so I'm straddling his lap, the warmth of his body comfortable. "Mia, what did she say to you?" He asks, patience in his tone and a hint of resent laced with it too.

"She told me why she did everything. That it was for a man she loves, and she would do it again if it came around to it. Then Ren came in and he looked so heartbroken and I couldn't not comfort him so when she left I hugged him. I swear that was it, Rocky. It was only a hug. I couldn't leave him alone." I say, begging him with my eyes to believe me, because it's the truth and no matter what he thinks, I would never do anything like that. I would never love anybody else as much as him. 

I feel my heart expand with the emotion as I watch him stare at me for a moment before nodding, his eyes softening and his fingers tracing an irregular pattern on my left thigh.

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