Chapter 6 To the Ministry

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The next day we spend cleaning, with is needed. It takes all day and I'm tired, and happily go to bed at the end of the day.

Today Harry and I woke up early since it is the day of the hearing. Mr. Weasley is taking us to work with him. It makes more sense than us trying to find out own way.

We get there, get out badges and continue on. We follow Mr. Weasley over to a security desk. The man at the desk puts down the Daily Prophet and looks at us.

"I'm escorting visitors." Mr. Weasley says gesturing to Harry and me. He scans up with a long gold rod and then checks our wands.

We get on the elevator and go through all the floors. Both Harry and I are taking everything we can in. As we get on flying paper airplanes fly in. "Just Interdepartmental memos." Mr. Weasley tells us. "We use to use owls, but the mess was unbelievable... droppings all over the desks."

We go all the way down to level two, which is where Mr. Weasley's office is. We have to go to the other side of the floor. "Morning Weasley," Kingsley says as we draw nearer. "I've been wanting a word with you, have you got a second?"

"Yes, if it really is a second. I'm in rather a hurry." Mr. Weasley tells him.

I can tell that this is strictly professional, and they're acting like they don't know each other outside of work. Looking in Kingsley's cubical we can see him "tracking" Sirius. Newspaper clipping and old pictures of Sirius. The one that stands out is from our parent's wedding. They all look so happy.

"Here. I read as much information as possible on flying muggle vehicles sighted in the last twelve months. We've received information that Black might still be using his old motorcycle." He winks at Harry. "Give him this magazine, he might find it interesting."

Back in his normal tone, he turns back to Mr. Weasley. "And don't take too long, Weasley, the delay on the firelegs report held out investigation up for a month."

"If you read my report you would know that the turn is firearms." Mr. Weasley tells him. "And I'm afraid you'll have to wait for information on motorcycles, we're extremely busy at the moment." He drops his voice. "If you can get away before seven, Molly's making meatballs."

At least supper is going to be good. I hope Harry's eating with us and not in Azkaban. That wouldn't be ideal.

We follow Mr. Weasley out of Kingsley's cubical and down to his office. I think it might be smaller than the broom closet across the hall. Maybe not, but there are two desks in here and they're overflowing with papers. The walls are covered with posters of cars, two illustrations of post boxes, and a diagram showing how to wire a plug. There's also a family picture, although Percy seems to be missing. It's very much Mr. Weasley and it makes me smile.

"We haven't got a window. We've only asked, but they don't seem to think we need one. Have a seat, one of you, doesn't look as if Perkins is in yet." Mr. Weasley explains.

I opt to stand while Harry sits behind Perkin's desk. "Ah," he says picking up The Quibbler, from its midst. "Yes... yes, he's right, I'm sure Sirius will find that very amusing- oh dears, what's this now?"

A memo flies in and Mr. Weasley picks it up and reads it. "Third regurgitating public toilet reported in Bethel Green, kindly investigate immediately. This is getting ridiculous..."

"A regurgitating toilet?"

"Anti-Muggle pranksters." Mr. Weasley says frowning. "We've had two in the last week. One in Wimbledon, one in Elephant and castle. Muggles are pulling the flush and instead of everything disappearing well, you can imagine. The poor things keep calling in those-those pumles, I think they're called- you know, the ones who mend the pipes and things-"

"Plumbers?" I ask.

"Exactly, yes, but of course, they're flummoxed. I only hope we can catch whoever's doing it."

"Will it be Aurors who catch them?"

"Oh, no, this is too trivial doe Aurors, it'll be the ordinary Magical Law Enforcement Patrol, ah, Harry, Sage, this is Perkins."

He's an older timid- looking old Wizard with fluffy white hair. "Oh, Arthur! Thank goodness, I didn't know what to do for the best. Whether to wait here for you or not, I've just sent an owl to your home, but you've obviously missed it, an urgent message came ten minutes ago-"

"I know about the regurgitating toilet."

"No, no, it's not about the toilet, it's the Potter boy's hearing- they've changed the time and venue- it starts at eight o'clock now and it's down in old courtroom ten-"

"Down in old- but they told me- Merlin's beard-" He looks at his watch and lets out a yelp. "Quick, both of you, we should have been there five minutes ago."

We all rush out, almost running over Perkins. "Why have they changed the time?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea, but think goodness we got here so early, if you'd missed it, it would have been catastrophic!"

We get on a lift and head down. "Those courtrooms haven't been used in years." Mr. Weasley says sounding angry. "I can't think why they're doing it down there- unless, but no..."

Another witch gets on the lift causing Mr. Weasley to go quiet.

"The Atrium." The voice says.

The witch gets off and a wizard gets on. "Morning Arthur. Don't see you down here often."

"Urgent business, Bode."

"Ah, yes, of course." He says looking over at Harry and me.

"Department of Mysteries," The voice says.

"Quick." He says as the doors rattle open.

This is weird. A corridor with no windows or doors except for one at the very end, but instead of going down it, we go to steps on the left.

"Down here, down here," Mr. Weasley pants. "The lift downs even come down this far... why they're doing it in there..."

We reach the bottom and it reminds me of the dungeons, but not as familiar or comforting.

"Courtroom... ten... I think... we're nearly... yes."

We stop outside a dark door with an iron lock on it. "Go on. Get in there." He pants.

"Aren't you coming with-?"

"No, no, I'm not allowed. Good luck."

I look at Harry who looks nervous and I feel that. Harry reaches out and opens the door.

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