Chapter 9 Hogwarts Express

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Within the next few days, we head to the train station. It was a mess trying to get out of the house this morning, we also had to bring half the order with us, including Sirius, as a dog of course.

I climb into the train and find my way to the prefect's carriage. I'm sure Ron and Hermione will eventually follow me. I'm curious to see who the other Slytherin prefect is.

I open the door to the compartment and see a few other people, including Draco. "Sage?" he asks.

I smile. "Yeah, it's me."

He smiles and I sit down next to him. "How was your summer, before you know?"

"Like any other summer. I didn't want to be there. How was yours?"

"Good, my family took a trip to France early on."

"That must have been nice"

"It was. My father said that he saw you at the ministry."

"Yeah, I did. He told Harry that he should be more like me."

He chuckles. "He told me. He approves of you."

The door opens and Ron and Hermione walk in. "Dumbledore made him a prefect?" Draco mutters under his breath.

"That was everyone's reaction."

"Hmm... and what is their reaction to you?"

"They didn't have one. They didn't seem to care."

"Well, they should."

The head boy and head girl walk in and start talking about our responsibilities and how to do them. It doesn't take that long and we're both free to go.

Everyone leaves, but Draco holds me back. "Are you okay?" he asks, looking over me.

"Yeah, I am. I haven't done much this summer that would put me in danger."

"Good, I was concerned at first."

"Worrying about me, are we Draco?" I tease him.

He puts his hand on my shoulders wiping the smile off of my face. "Yes, I do."

"Wait, what?"

"I worry about you because I care about you. I have for a while now." He says, leaning his head against mine.

"Are you saying that... that you like me?"

He swallows, "Yes, I do. I liked you all of last year."

My mouth opens, but no words come out. "Sage, please say something."

"I like you too. I have for a while actually."

"Sage- we-"

"What are you two doing in here?" the head boy asks, walking in.

"Just talking," Draco says, turning to face him. "Come on Sage." He says grabbing my hand, "Let's go."

We leave and almost intently run into Crabbe and Goyle. He's not going to finish what he started in front of them. "We know where Potter is," Crabbe tells him.

"Where? I'm rubbing this in his face."

"This way."

We head towards where my brother is, Draco never letting go of my hand. We reach the compartment they're in and Draco opens the door but doesn't go in.

"What?" Harry snarls, looking between the two of us.

"Manners Potter, or I'll have to give you detention. You see, I, we, unlike you, have been made prefects, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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