Chapter 3 The Guard

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I walk upstairs to the room that I share with Harry. I watch him write three separate notes. As he does that I sit in my bed. "What happened out there with Dudley?" I ask.

"Weren't you paying attention?" he asks finishing the last note.

"But dementors here?"

"Yes, Sage, I thought that part was clear." I roll my eyes. "I'm more concerned about the Howler."

"Yes, that was weird." I agree.

Hedwig flies in the window and Harry sends her off again after speaking to her quite rudely. I mean, I know that she's an owl, but still. Harry throws himself down in this bed. Dramatic much?

A few minutes later Dart shows up with Draco's giant owl. I hop up and quickly take the letter from him. He quickly flies off, so he must not want an answer.

"Was that Draco's bird?" Harry asks. I don't answer, he already knows that it is.

I sit on my bed and open the letter.

Sage, summer is so boring. I can't wait for school to be back to see you and everyone else. I wrote to tell you that there is already talked about that your brother did. I hope that you're safe, but I suppose that if I don't get this back you are. I can't risk having you write back because of your brother. Sorry. Be careful and stay safe.

As always, with love, Draco.

I fall back on to my bed with a smile of my face. I've seen letters that he's wrote to other people, he doesn't write 'with love' to them.

"Stop looking so happy that Malfoy sent you a letter and turn off the light, would you?" Harry asks, glaring at me. I get up, put the letter in my trunk, and do as I'm asked.


The next few days are annoying. I'm rarely in the bedroom because Harry is in there. I can't be anywhere else in the house because of my aunt and uncle. I spend most of my time outside, although I had to fight for that. There was no way that I was going to spend all day in a room with Harry. I would go crazy.

I make my way into the house towards the evening, and am met by Uncle Vernon. "Up to your room." He says.


"You heard me, up to your room." I sigh and head up stairs. When I walk in, Harry is staring at the celling. I go and sit on my bed. "We're going out."

"Sorry?" I ask.

"We- that is to say, your aunt, Dudley and I are going out."

"Fine." Harry says looking at the celling again.

"You are not to leave your bedroom while we are away."


"You are not to touch the television, the stereo, or any of our possessions."


"You are not to steal food from the fridge."


"I am going to lock your door."

"You do that."

Uncle Vernon stares at us, clearly wondering why we aren't arguing. He's in a pissy mood, I'm not going to argue with him. He steps out of the room and locks the door. Soon we hear the car engine start and they leave.

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