I walk into the Men's washroom, awkwardly.

I knew it would probably get kicked out if I was in there but, yet again what do I know.

I look into a mirror, and take off the red vest, and red hat. Of course there was no reason to wear it anymore. I walk past a guy, who gave me look, of course I understood why.

I stood there for a moment before walking up to Thomas who was know washing his hands.

"Your in the wrong room." He mumbles.

"I don't know what to say." I tell him. "What do you want a autograph, it something?"

Not everyone who meets you wants a autograph. I think to myself.

"No. My name is Artis." I say. "You where at my house."

"Yes, because I was trying to talk to you." I told him. "So you talked to my son?"

"Look, Wayne. Iam here for my mother. "

He scoffed. "Oh I see. Come begging for money?"

"No! I just want to know if my mother is lieing!" I yell.

"lieing about what? "

" That your my father. " I said. " No. Iam not your mother is crazy."

" Crazy? What the hell! I don't know why everyone is so rude! I don't know why you are-

I don't mean to make you uncomfortable-"

" Look, kid your mom adopted you when she was working for me. But soon after she was in Arkham asylum. "

I wanted to cry.

" N-no that's not true! Your lieing! "

"Iam not the one who's lieing, because I never slept with your mother."

I felt it tickling my throat, an itch, rising up my throat.

Soundly the sound of laughter echoes the room.

"You think this is funny?"

I did find it humerus, although at a inappropriate time, of course I couldn't say anything without gasping, from my laughter fit.

My laughter continues, which makes Thomas tilt his head at my gester.

I felt heavy hands on my shoulders,

"Would you just shut up?!" I hear him yell, he was close enough to where his a breath was on my face.

Of course my laughter fit, still continues. This time I wasn't embarrassed.

I felt normal.

He gripped harder on my shoulders.

Even though his nails where short I could feel them digging into my shoulder blade.

The feeling made me laugh, It hurt. But this time I didn't care, it's felt good to laugh to really laugh, even if it started out bad, it was know funny to me.

It was a different kind of pain. Way different this time.

Then a feel a slap on my cheak.

"Would you snap out of it?!" Thomas Yells. He lets go over my other shoulder and walks off.

"If you ever touch my son again I'll fucking kill you!"

I grab my sore cheek, still laughing.

I wipe the tears in my eyes.

No no no no

No. This can't be real!

Iam not adopted! I-

Fuck!! Goddamnit!

I start laughing to myself.

It wasn't fair to me, but yet again this is Gotham city, so nothing is fair.

I sigh. I turn behind me ready to leave, but I see gaurds or whatever they where telling me I need to leave.

"Ah. Don't worry about me. Iam leaving..." I walk off, with them of course following me.

They open the door, and I walk off back into the heavy crowd of pissed off people.

I was mad, I just wanted to talk, and-

He didn't want to listen this was his fault.

At home

I stand above my kitchen counter taking a few deep breaths, and lightly laugh to myself.

I walk to the fridge and open it.

I take out all of the counters, 1,2,3

No- no need for the fourth one, I can fit. I think to myself. I get in the fridge and sit in it.

This is was it, I was finally going to be gone, I just hope Sophus won't be upset.

After sitting there in a ball, for a few minutes it began to get hard to breathe, I did want to die, but this hurt.

No no no. Stay here, it'll be over soon, it's fine.

Why did it hurt so much?

My vision slowly fades, and so does my hearing.

But last minute, I stopped my self and pushed on the door.

I fall to the fake printed on tile, and my gasps fill the room.

Fuck!!! Goddamnit!!

I start to cry, I was so close, so close to be ready and I chickened out.

Why? Artis- you where so close!

I let out a scream.

"Idiot! Idiot!!!" I was so upset that I couldn't just finish myself off.

I finish crying. I need to stop feeling sorry for my self, it was my decision.

I get up angrily and close the door, I'll just clean up the mess later, I was tired, who noes maybe I'll go to sleep, and not wake up, if I don't that'll be the best thing god's ever done for me.

(Writer hello peeps, as much as I love the movie, I don't want to get to into detaile on the next part, yes Iam aware I have written a small part of smut before, but that was probably the weardest thing I've ever done, so I will not be including the part where Arthur/Artis is in there room, pleasureing them selves. Yes I know it's a normal, and ok thing to do, but I don't want to right that, Anyways love you guys!)

The next day.

I lay in my bed in my side, from waking up recently, with a cigarette in my left hand, I out it in my mouth.

Ring ring

My phone goes off, I lay my head back, I didn't want to get up, so I just lay there.

The call finally ends, with a voice mail.

"Hello, Ms. Fleck! This is Shirley Woods. I work At The Murray Franklin show, just call me back when you can! Thank you.

Wait did I hear that right?

I get up with my curiosity coming up I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hi! Is the Artis?"

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