I wake early this time, more early than usual.

I brush my hair, put on my dark blue sweat pants, with my brown sweater, and hoodie.

I look into the mirror that was Infront of me, playing out what I would say to my mom, or whatever she was.

I slight panic lays in my gut. I was nervous to tell her, we where close before she went to the hospital, but know I feel like we've grown apart.

Is killing her really the answer?

Yes, yes shut up, Artis. Just do it, you'll feel better.

But what is if -

Don't listen to the good side of you... Do it.

The little voice inside my head was telling me, the voice was me, like the devil in one side on your shoulder.

But she was me.

But as I look into the mirror, I still see me, but my face was painted like a clown, I had green hair, and I was wearing my red suit with a orange chest piece and a red skirt, same color as my Suit.

She was smiling under her painted red smile.

She had blue eye makeup, and white splattered all over, giving me a pale like look.

Aw come on? You chickening out?

"No! Just shut up!"

Aw... Come on, don't silence me. You know you want to, take all your pain away, show her what you know, tell her that you killed those guys, that you aren't scared. Not anymore.

Do it. Do it. Do it

The voice in my head stopped.

I close my eyes, then open them, it was my reflection not, the clowns.

My face is pale, with light emerald eyes, with long lashes, and a scar above my lip meeting my nose.

I have brown hair, shoulder length, that's usually tucked behind my ears.

It's was me.

The face I've had for years, but the makeup changed my face to a unreal like face, different but still me.

I let out a sigh

You really are crazy aren't you?

I think of what happened yesterday, of what happened with Sophus, and what happened, I felt imbersesed of what happened and how I was such a creep.

Imagining our relationship, thinking for several weeks that what we had was real.

But it wasn't

I look down defeated by my own thoughts.

I looked up.

Still just a sad, depressed face looks back at me.

I let out a sigh.

It was 8:00 in the morning.

I needed to go to Gotham's General, I need to tell my mom.

Time skip because Iam lazy and tired AF.

I sit in the chair that was next to my mom's bed.

She's half awake.


I scoff.

"Happy? I've always hated that name;

-I haven't been happy one day in my entire fucking life."


I Interrupt her.

" Mom? Or are you even my real mom."

She is still groggy from waking up.

"W- what are you talking about?"

"Did one of your boyfriends do this?"

"Do what?" She asked full of confusion.

"Made me like this. Made me crazy?"

I take a pause, while putting my cigarette in my mouth.

"Made my condition. Made me a freak. Did they do that?"

She didn't say anything.

"But... Even though I laugh I don't really mean it."

I get up walking to her

"You know what really makes me laugh?

I used to think my life is a tragedy, but know I realize...

It's a fucking comedy."

Iam close to her know, grabbing her pillow from under her head, I grab it, while pushing the pillow to her face, suffocating her.

Her body moves and frails, just to get a breath out or a scream for help.

Her legs kick to defend herself.

Her movements slow down, as if it was in slowmoe.

The monitor peeps, fast, until it stop.

She was dead.

I move the pillow slowly off of her, than move it behind her head again.

Aww see? It wasn't that hard!

I let out a small grin, as I look out the window.

Told you it would make you feel better.

I here the door open from behind me.

"Ma'am were ganna' need you to get out." They say.

I turn behind me, acting sad.

"I- I found her like this."

"We don't know the cause of death at the moment we'll call you when we know, just please leave."


I sit in my couch, waiting for the call I was going to get from the hospital.

It's was almost dark outside, the sun was setting.

My leg isn't bouncing, it's just sitting still.

I wasn't nervous, not this time.

I felt good, she was dead, she could no longer lie to me.

Word count 789

Sorry it's short, I need to rewatch the movie again for more ideas love you guys




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