8 All in your head

16 2 0

I walk into the tall dirty building, my clothes dripping with water.

I didn't want to check the mail, there was no point there would be nothing for me nor Penny.

I walk into the Elivator, and press up button.

Thoughts explored my mind thoughts about Penny, Harleen, I was so sad about everything, but Sophus always made me feel better, better about everything.

I walk out of the elevator, the old lady was there again. Still sitting in her thrown of a chair.

"Your going to catch a cold, in weather like that."

I ignore her walking past her, her glare still stares me down, I can almost feel it.

I walk past my door, and make it to his.


I lighty out my hand around it,  but I've learned how to unlock these doors easily, twist right, than left then back to right, the bam

Your in. But it wasn't locked so it was easier to open.

I walk in, I notice GiGi's drawings, and art.

I place a hand on them, the paint giving it a chalky finish.

His keys stood proud on its hook.

I make my way to his couch, I sit there waiting for him to come out, he told me to come about this time.

"Goodnight, GiGi. Love you "

"Night daddy."

The door closes and latches.

I here his footsteps make it's way out to the is room.

I here a gasp.

"What are you doing here? Your in the wrong apartment."

"You told me to come by at this time. " I say still not looking up at them

" What are you talking about? I barely know you, your Artis, Artis Fleck, you live down the hall with your mom. That's all I know about you."

Suddenly it all hit me. Like a rake hitting a cartoon character's face, none of this was real.

My love for him was real, but our relationship wasn't real it again was just a figment of my imagination something that wasn't real all this time as our love grew bigger and bigger it wasn't real, my face goes pale.

All I can think of saying was one thing

" I had a bad day... "

He steps forward slightly.

" Do you need me to call your mom? Is she home?"

" No. "

He takes a deep breath.

I slowly look at him, my hair still dripping from the rain.

I move my hand into a gun, still not breaking our eye contact.

They cover there mouth.

I move my thumb down, the trigger button.

They stay silent.

"Please... Go, my daughter is sleeping, I don't want you to wake her up. "

I get up slowly, I was defeated. I lost...again.

None of it, our love wasn't real, it was in my head.

They follow me as I go, closing the door behind me, I here a click, it was locked.

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