Breaking part 2 ch 2

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"Breaking part 2 ch 2"
At Domingo/Erica-Erica came into the living room to find Danillea and Junior eating cookies."Daniella, Where you're a mother "She had to run an errand "No" Erica was worrying Desires was doing something when Domingo came in."What's going on? "Desires when somewhere "Oh I'm sure she's fine" I hope so" Erica's cell phone rang it was Claire."Do you want me to meet you? Erica hangs up the phone."Claire needs me to" Go" after Erica left.

Harrison-Harrison was at home worrying about what would happen when Grayson found out about his Junior father when the doorbell rang it was Elsa."Harrison, What is it? You scare me" Sorry sis, I'm worrying "About what" You're going to hate me and so will Grayson, I'm Junior's father "Harrison! How could you? "Skye never loved Grayson, she just wanted him to take anything that Desires had she was jealous of her "Why? Skye had money "Yes but Desires have spoiled more than Skye "True, She is my best friend but she can be a brat, Grayson is going to be devastated "I know" What are you going to do! I'm going to get my son, he belongs with me" A child isn't a belongs "I know" Does Mother know "Not yet"

At Gail's office-Claire and Erica was in the hallway," Thanks for meeting me "You're welcome, I'm always here for you "Let's do this "and they went inside Gail's office."Gail, Thanks for seeing me" You're welcome, So what can I do for you" I want custody of my grandson, I have to prove that his not Grayson's son, His Harrison "Claire shows Gail the information," Well this still wouldn't be easy, Harrison could say Skye keep him from his son" Do I have a chance "Harrison the father the court will take his son but I will try my best "Thanks, I want my grandson his the only thing left of my daughter "I understand "We will do anything to keep Junior "We have to keep this clean" Alright "

Desiree was looking at a house that was for sale it was a victoria that she had always wanted and was talking to the agent about it."I'll take it, It's time for a new start "Desires smile thinking how she almost slept with Grayson but stop herself which was a big step for her.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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