Breaking part 2 ch 14

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"Breaking part 2 ch 14"
Domingo/Erica-Erica came in with her daughters."Mother, Why don't I make you some tea? Lillah said and went into the kitchen. Erica went to sit down and Desires looked at her mother."What! I'm not fragile! I can handle this and you're a father in jail. I have dealt with this lifestyle all my life! Erica yelled as she got up."Grandfather was in this business too, Right" Desires ask "Yes Daddy was till he was murdered! Did I ever tell you how you're Grandfather was murdered? Erica yelled as Lillah came in with a tray of tea and sandwiches and DJ came in," Mother, Desires, why do you have to fight with mother right now? Lillah asks "She not, It's time you all know the truth, My father was in this business too he was Santon's enemy and he killed my father after that happened I vowed to get payback "If Grandfather killed your father then why didn't he go to jail "Oh Desires you're so naive, Santon was so powerful no one could touch him and he didn't know that I saw the whole thing "You saw you're father being murder? Lillah asks "Yes and I vowed to get even and I did! I made my way into you're father's life and got him to marry me" Erica smirked and went by the bar and pour herself a drink."Did you love Daddy'' We don't love each other it was always about business, You all are old enough to know all this, DJ awhile you're father is dealing with this we will deal with the business together "Yes Mother "Mother, Do you want me to stay here tonight "No Lillah I'll be fine "Alright, I'll go home, Desires be nice, "Lillah said and left. "Desires "I'm going to check on Daniella "You thought I was just a supportive wife, I know what going on in this business too, You would be good at it to you're just like me" No I'm not" Unfortunately you're wrong "Desires went upstairs."Mother "DJ, Did you get ruined of the car" No, I had a feeling so I'm running fingers prints on it" Good "

Desires went into her father's office and sneaked around. She was looking for anything to help her father. She was having a hard time dealing with what her mother confessed to.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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