Breaking part 2 ch 27

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"Breaking part 2 ch 27"
At Barb/John-Barb was making some tea when there was a knock on the door it was Jackie," Jackie, Come in" I heard you and John are living here together "Yes just to help Lydia with her recovery "That's nice" Yes, I was just making some tea do you want any" Sure" So I heard Domingo is your son" Yes Santon took him from me, if I raise him He would turn out different "You meant not a mob boss "as Lydia came in."Lydia "I understand you're feelings towards Domingo but his my son and I will help him out of this if he goes to jail "He will be murdered "Yes he my son a mother loves her child no matter what "He wouldn't be accepted in this family, I don't care that his my cousin "I have always been there for you and you're sister you can at least help me" Jackie left she was upset."Lydia, I know you have been working hard on this case but something family matters more"

At Springfield, Hospital-Matthew was working when Dr.Walton came by."Matthew, how is everything going "So far good I like this hospital "I'm glad you're here" Me too, Thanks for helping Desiress "It was all her "Yeah"

At Domingo/Erica-Domingo and Erica were showing Desiress what she needed to do for them she kept having doubts about it.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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