Breaking part 2 ch 24

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"Breaking part 2 ch 24"
At The Park-Desiress was at the park with Daniella and Matthew."Desiress, Is this going to get worse? Should I be worried about our daughter's safety "If Daddy goes to jail it wouldn't be good for all of us" No, I wish I knew about your family "Before we made our daughter? I don't regret her "Me either I just want to keep her safe "I want that too I do, I can't lose anyone else "Me either "

At Domingo/Erica-Domingo and Erica were dressed from making love."I will never trust you again but we are together forever we can't get a divorce "No we can't, We have a meeting with the five families "Yes I know that's why I had to get bail" We can still run the business like we always had" Yes we will but I will be watching my back! You turn my son against me! Domingo yelled "DJ wanted you to respect him and you never did! Erica yelled "He's not as strong as us" No he's not but who else will run the business with us "Desiress came in."I just came to get Daniella's doll she staying at Matthew and can't sleep without it" It's okay "Desiress went upstairs."You're not thinking Desiress are you? She is a lot like us strong "Yes but she has some weaknesses "Yes she does but she proved to me she can do it she is loyal "Desiress came in with the doll."Desiress, We need to talk to you "

At The Courthouse-The Judge's office-He was working when Donna came in."You're honor "Mrs.Alcaraz you can't be here "We need to talk now"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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