Breaking part 2 ch 13

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"Breaking part 2 ch 13"
At The Police station-Desires and Lillah were coming in the hallway as they passed by John and Desiree went by him."John, Please help get my father out of this "You need to wake up you're parents are criminals "Then that's what I'm too" Desires, I'm the Governor of this state I can't help you father "You always like power" Yes, You like it too that's why you pick men who have it" Erica came by."Desire, Let's go" Erica left with her children.

Domingo was in his cell talking to Juanita.' Juanita "John took me off this case, I'm sorry "No" Domingo I'll help you get a good lawyer I saw the evidence it's not good "Juanita left.

At Springfield, Hospital-Gwen was talking to her parents about Lydia's care when her cell phone rang it was John telling her about Domingo's arrest she hang up the phone."Gwen is everything okay" The police have arrested Domingo for killing his father" What about the accident "That too" Good" I was there when Antia look at the evidence I hope we get him" Me too we've been wanting to get the Alcaraz family for years "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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