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Nate - 🧡
Your name is Nate Prenston, you really don't like your last name so you just go by Nate thats it, you are currently just standing in your room cuz you got nothing else to do, like really you have literally nothing to do, you could go bother your little brother but you don't want to see him right now as you two dont have a good relationship at this point in time, maybe you two will get along later in the future but you doubt that will happen, you look around in your room, not much its simple bedroom with some band posters on the wall and some game posters(you bought them yourself), you also have a pet hamster, you've had it for a few months and named it Sonic because its fast as fuck, a bunch of people judge you for that but you don't care what people say you love Sonic and you think he likes you even though he has bit you so many times, you walk towards the cage and look into it, Sonic is running in the hamster wheel, type shit fr, anyways you think its time to socialize with everyone in the house, you walk towards your door and sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you really don't want to but you've already isolated yourself for awhile already so you kinda have to, as you start to walk out your room you quickly make your way downstairs and to the living you look around, nobody as you then walk to the Kitchen, your mom is in the kitchen, shes busy doing the dishes, you don't wanna talk to her so you quickly walk out until you hear her voice call out to you. FUCK. now you HAVE to talk to her. ' Nate, are you alright? ' She asks in a bit of a worried tone because she's almost the only one who actually pays attention to you but she favorites your younger brother more she acts like she doesn't but its clear she does. ' I'm fine. ' you tell her, you don't want to have a long conversation with her, so after telling her that you js walk away and back to your room that is enough socializing for you, as you were walking back you noticed your younger brother walking out of his room he try's to say hi to you but you don't bother to acknowledge him. you walk back to your room and enter slightly slamming the door shut. you check the time, its 6:30pm, you sighed this day is really boring and you don't have much to do you could sleep for the rest of the day so your not bothered by anyone or you could go outside and find something to do, your js gonna nap, there isn't much to do outside anyways, you walk towards your bed and lay down, you kinda stare at the ceiling until you js fall asleep.

- End of Nate's part 1/?? finished -

(Y'all its like 1AM for me but im trying to do at least two pages or whateverrr, 😭💔 pls ths is my first time working on smth like this- and i dnt know how to write things im not a writerrrr anyways byeeee 😋🫶)

Words : 542 😭⁉️

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