😍 Charater introductions

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Carson Prenston 6/12 :
- 14
- cant die( WAOHHHHH 🗣️🗣️🗣️ )
- Likes a Goth kid 🤓☝️(wnt spoil who it is)
- Likes : Exploding things, the color Blue, baking, writing, reading, SCIENCE❗️❗️❗️, blueberries(everything that has blueberries in it except for blueberry bagels), playing the piano(dsnt even own one, plays for school), the outside, horror movies/stories and, Dandelions
- Ok with : any kind of Insect or bug, math and, comics/web comics
- Dislikes : Energy drinks, loud noises/music, unpleasant sounds, very empty spaces and, very crowded spaces
here he is🤓👇

Carson Prenston 6/12 : - 14- NERDDDDDDDDD- cant die( WAOHHHHH 🗣️🗣️🗣️ )- Likes a Goth kid 🤓☝️(wnt spoil who it is)- GAYYYYYYYYY❗️❗️- Likes : Exploding things, the color Blue, baking, writing, reading, SCIENCE❗️❗️❗️, blueberries(everything that ...

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Nate Prenston 10/14 :
- 17
- Emo frfr
- Can skate(both Skateboard and Roller Skate)
- Dsnt like anyone ( yet, idk )
- Bisexual
- Likes : breaking things, the color orange, loud music(or any kinda music), stealing, smoking( me frfr ), skating, Spider Lily's, Daisies and, tulips
- Ok with : Reading and movies(any kind)
- Hates : Math, Carson, literally everyone that is annoying to him, blue, Carson, His dad and, Himself
Nate😋👇(ily if u love homestuck/I accidentally turned him into a twink guys 😢)

Nate Prenston 10/14 : - 17- Emo frfr- Can skate(both Skateboard and Roller Skate)- Dsnt like anyone ( yet, idk )- Bisexual - Likes : breaking things, the color orange, loud music(or any kinda music), stealing, smoking( me frfr ), skating, Spider L...

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this story will switch between them with every new page so yeahhh 🫶 I will try to pay attention to it and change things and upd8 it and stuff bcuz its summer but i'll probably forget about this 💔

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