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1/13/09 . 3:15AM
Nate - 🧡
You woke up from glass suddenly breaking in another room, you quickly sit up and look around, what time is it?? You get up and look for the switch to the lamp damn its so fucking dark you cant see shit. you find the light switch to your room instead and literally get fuckihg flash banged, you kinda just stand there frozen because you literally are trying to get used to the brightness, but before you could completely get used to the brightness you hear the sound of yelling, you already know who it is, hopefully it doesn't get violent...again......you sighed as you finally adjusted to the light, you then slowly open your door and peak out to hear what they are arguing about again, one of them dropped the glass so they are arguing about it, hopefully they shut up soon your not trying to hear them all night, you quietly close your door and turn towards your hamster, you look in the cage and bro is literally missing, or, wait, no never mind he's just hiding under the stuffing thingys or whatever its called, you slightly smiled because he has stuffing all over him now you open the cage and try to pet him and this time he actually let you instead of biting you, is that bad? your hamster keeps biting you and you hope its not because it dislikes you that is bad right? you close the cage again and then walk to the light switch and turn it off so its not to bright for Sonic, and then you hear the hamster wheel, you literally just turned off the light how is he already on the hamster wheel, to be honest you have zero clue on how to take care of a hamster but thats why you have a phone, so you can search how to take care of a hamster. You should go back to sleep, just so your not up all night, you go back to bed and lay down and stare are the ceiling, you literally have school tomorrow you can't afford to stay up this late, what time is it anyways? you look around your eyes have already adjusted to the dark, and the only sort of light that is in your room is the light of the moon, but your curtains are dark so they keep the light out so its still very dark in your room, you close your eyes and try to sleep but it doesn't work, you try to fix yourself in a comfortable position but it still doesn't help, you aren't tired either, you sighed as you just stared at the ceiling again. You hate this already, you're reallyyy bored but can't do much because you'll make noise and you don't want your parents knowing your awake well, you kinda did make a bunch of noise trying to find the light switch maybe they know your awake no, they would've stopped fighting. You wonder if they are still fighting, you try to listen but you can't hear anything they probably calmed down, your not gonna overthink it, you turned to your side so now your just facing that wall, you start to think about the future, why? you dont know, you honestly can't wait to move out already. You're just laying there, not doing much, its not like you can anyways.

- End of Nate's part 2/10 finished -

Words : 582 🙏💔

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