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Carson - 💙
Your name is Carson Prenston, unlike Nate you actually LIKE your name only because Nate dislikes his, you've honestly tried to get along with him but he doesn't want to try at all, so you've given up to be totally honest. You were finishing up a harry potter book you got, you have almost the full collection of the books, so once you finished you put it back in the shelf next to you, you are currently sitting on a bean bag chair yu got in your room, bored out of your fucking mind, there isn't much to do, well you could read but you've pretty much read all the books you have thrice, but you could read them a fourth time but at the same time you kinda don't want to but you do but you don't, how about you go outside, you get up from your seat and start walking out your room you noticed Nate going back to his room so you try to say hi but he doesn't even acknowledge you and goes back to his own room while slightly slamming the door, jeez what's he so pissed about, you just shrug it off and walk downstairs slowly, sometimes you wanna slide down the stairs because you think it would be funny but you don't wanna try just in case you hurt yourself. You made it to the living room you looked around nobody's in here right now, so you head to the kitchen to see if your mom is in there she looks troubled about something, until she notices you, you wave at her ' You alright mom? ' you asked hoping to strike a conversation with her. ' Oh, I'm alright, just worried about your brother, he's been rather distant hasn't he? ' she said, you sighed ' He's always like that, isn't he? ' you said, you don't pay attention to Nate since he doesn't really care about how you feel ' Well, Not really. ' She says as she then goes quiet and starts think about something to change the topic, you then go on to tell your mom how your day was and how the book you read is, you and her talked for awhile like maybe for an hour or 2 and thats when your dad gets back, because you hear the front door open, you say bye to your mom so you can go say hi to your dad. ' Hi, how was your day. ' you asked, you sounded like one of those AI bots trying to start conversation, you didn't like that, it was weirddd ' It was alright, nothing interesting just the same thing we do usually. ' He said a bit angry but you expected that because he usually comes back with a bad attitude ' Alright, well if you dont got anything interesting i'll go to my room. ' you said as you started to walk towards your room, you wonder what time it is, well it looks late so it might be 7:30 or so, yu don't know, you walk into your room as you plopped down onto your bed, finally the comfort of your beddd, maybe tomorrow you will go outside, because you didn't get to today, you quietly lay on your bed kinda just thinking of random things untill you slowly slowlyyyy close your eyes and fall asleep, your a deep sleeper so you don't wake up from sudden noises.

- End of Carson's part 1/?? finished -

(finally i finished 😋 anyways hope y'all enjoy this part🫶 byeee )

Words : 588 😭💔

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