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You wake up at like 5:40 somewhere between there, why are you awake so early? you didn't even go to sleep early, you didn't mind since your used to waking up early, what's today? Monday. you sighed, just like everyone else you hate Monday's, you sit up and look around, still kinda dark, you could go hack to sleep but you don't wanna risk waking up late for school, you get up and start to get ready because even though you wake early you are always late to your first class, maybe because you have to walk to school, as much as you rather be at school you honestly don't feel like going today, you feel like today isn't gonna be the best but you kinda have to go to school, nobody is gonna be home and you don't wanna be home alone, your parents are already gone so you have to wake up yourself and Nate because he doesn't wake up on time but sometimes he does, as much as you don't wanna go bother him you kinda have to, once you got ready you walked out your room and went towards the bathroom to brush your teeth cause thats good yk? you finish brushing your teeth and all that fun stuff and then walk towards Nate's room so you can wake him up to, you knock on the door and then open the door widee open, you noticed Nate still awake js staring at the ceiling. Was he up all night? You didn't care, you signal that your gonna leave already. ' Fuck off already. ' He says and js flips you off, YOU HAVENT EVEN DONE ANYTHING YET!? You roll your eyes and start walking away leaving the door open and yk what you even turn on the light just to bother him even more, as you walked downstairs and into the living room you start to head for the front door grab your bag and walk outside, your walk is long but not that long just long enough for you to barely miss some days of your first class, you have math well technically Algebras for your first class so you honestly don't care if you miss it or if you're late to it, you like walking to be honest, you just don't like walking in the mornings. You sometimes wish you could take the bus, you could totally homeschool yourself but then you'd actually have to learn more stuff then you already know when you already have school that already gives you that, after a few minutes you finally make it to the school, its not that far so thats good, but from the look of it your not late, thats good, you walk towards the entrance of the school building and enter, one of the security guards are outside and one of them are inside in the front, you don't really care because your not doing anything bad, you look around and there is a bunch of students walking around instead of walking to class, how early are you? you look around for a clock in the school and find one, 6:23. Oh, you're realllyyy early, you decided since you don't have anything else to do you could just go to class, you don't eat the schools breakfast anyways, nor do you even eat the lunch, so you kinda don't eat anything all day until you get home, you walk towards your class and notice the teacher isn't even there yet, and that there is a line of students waiting by the door for the teacher to get there, you sigh and just wait in line as well, maybe you should wake up early early.

- End of Carson's part 2/10 finished -

( Im so sleepy 😢 anyways js to clarify i dnt mean one of the goth kids from south park no, he actually likes a kid that is goth, because I dnt want them to be south park ocs anymore instead they'll js be normal ocs i made and not apart of a certain fandom cuz yk? oh and I forgot to add their birthdays on the information thingy so i'll do that later when i wake up or maybe rn- idk- byeee 😋🫶)

Words : 714 😨⁉️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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