3 - Get to know you

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"Come on! A little more!" Chantelle grunted as she pulled on the zip to my suitcase. It was so full, we struggled to close it and were close to giving up when finally it slid shut, I huffed and climbed off it. "Thanks babe" I smiled to my housemate "No problem, why do you pack so early anyway? You're not flying out for the show until Tuesday" She questioned as she stood up, looking at my kit case, bag and suitcase all ready for my flight in 5 days time. "You know me, I love to be prepared" I shrugged, grinning at her "Thanks again for helping, and for looking after Roxy while I'm gone. It's such a ball ache when the shows are nowhere near California, so I have to fly out, rather than drive."

"Anything for you, Glam Queen" She bowed, mocking the nickname I had been given at work. I rolled my eyes and I moved my packed things into the corner of my room, next to my desk, as she flopped onto my bed and picked up my phone when it buzzed. "Who's Will Ospreay?" she asked raising an eyebrow. My breath caught in my throat when I heard his name. "One of the wrestlers from work" I replied as casually as I could, "Why'd you ask?". She threw the phone to me as I turned towards her and sat on the end of my bed "Oh, that's boring. You have a message from him, that's all" She said losing interest and standing up "I'm going for a bubble bath" She smiled before walking out of the room. I grabbed my phone and looked at my lock screen confused. There it was, a new follower and a direct message on Instagram.....both from Ospreay. I quickly unlocked my phone and opened the message; 'Hey Sam! Thanks again for yesterday, my chest is loads better.' A small shiver went down my spine as I thought back to last night.. Him stood in front of me shirtless.. My hands on his chest.. And my God, he smelled so good. I shook the images from my head before typing out a reply; 'Hey Will! Anytime sweetheart, that's what I'm here for!  And hey, you know where to find me if you need anything else.' I hit send and instantly regretted not typing something a little better than my usual professional drabble, but he got me so flustered every time I thought about him. He's so fine, and I had to admit, it had been a while since I'd had any action, so a hot guy like him, that close to me just scrambles my brain. I decided that Chantelle was a genius and a hot bubble bath was a great idea, perhaps I could relax and stop being so hot and bothered about a man I met a day ago. Tossing my phone to the bed, I went into my bathroom and turned on the hot water and added some lavender soak, watching the bubbles start to form.

My phone buzzed on the bed as I walked back into my room to undress. I threw my clothes into the hamper and grabbed my phone on my way back into the bathroom. Turning off the water, I glanced at my phone to see another message from Will; 'Oh I'm sure I'll find another reason to come and see the HBIC' I smirked and replied 'Are you going to make me rub more lotion on yo-' I stopped typing and deleted the message, thinking it was a bit too forward, he was probably being friendly, so I decided to save the full flirting until I was sure. After thinking for a minute, I decided to keep it playful and replied; 'Well, I'm glad you've figured out I'm top Bitch of the Glam Squad, but you can address me as your Majesty in future' I bit my lip, sent the message, put my phone down on the small table next to my bathtub, and climbed into the soothing heat of the water.

Just as I lay my head back and relaxed into the bubbles, my phone buzzed again. Another message. I smiled and grabbed my phone, opening his message; 'Well, as the Commonwealth Kingpin, I could say the same to you' I bit my lip again, and replied, before long, the conversation was flowing;

'Well, if you're The Kingpin,
and I'm the Glam Queen,
I think our ranks are pretty equal,
so perhaps we should just skip
the formalities.'

'Good point! What are you up
to this late anyway?'

'Just taking a bubble bath,
what about you?

'Bored in the hotel, I was
gunna sleep. But you're
keeping me awake with
all these messages.'

'You started it!
You messaged me first,
so you only have
yourself to blame.'

'Fine, you got me there
Maybe I just wanted to
get to know you'

I'm sure we'll have plenty
of time for that over the next few
now get some sleep'

The water was getting cooler in the bath, and I was feeling sufficiently relaxed so I pulled out the plug, climbed out and wrapped a towel around myself. When I walked back into my room, I felt my phone buzz in my hand and rolled my eyes, smiling to myself, knowing it was probably Will again. I put on some fresh PJ's and sat on my bed next to Roxy who was snoring softly, I opened the message; 'Awww, aren't you enjoying my company?' He asked and I giggled to myself, snapping a picture of Roxy sleeping next to me and sent it to him; 'I have all the company I need, now sleep!' I turned off the light and settled down to watch tv for the night, waiting for his next message to arrive; 'Omg! You have a Rottweiler!? They're like my second favourite type of dog! What's it called? I promise, I'll go to sleep if you tell me about your dog and promise I can meet it one day.' I giggled before typing out one last reply; 'Her name is Roxy, she's 2, she's very well trained and loves cuddles, and yes, you can meet her one day. Now. Bed. Sleep. Goodnight Will' His last message saying goodnight came through just as I put my phone on charge and settled in for the night, a smile on my face, thinking about our conversation.
'I just wanted to get to know you'

A few days had passed since Will's first message, and we'd been chatting most of the week, mostly friendly, but occasionally, things got just a little flirty. I was at the airport, ready to board my flight when another message from him caused my phone to buzz. He wished me a safe flight, knowing how much I hated it, although, it wasn't too bad this time. Because this time, my reward would be seeing Will tomorrow.

After we landed, I sent a message to Will to let him know I'd arrived safely and then headed through the airport, grabbed my bags and set off to get in a cab to the hotel. When I got into the cab, I texted Ruby; 'Good afternoon Miss Soho! I'm on my way to the hotel, let me know if you wanna hang out.' I thought I better let her know I was almost there seeing as she was the person I spent the most time with on the road. She responded, letting me know she didn't feel well, so was going to rest ready for tomorrows show. The cab pulled up outside the hotel, I grabbed my bag and cases and went to reception to check in, messaging Will in the process to let him know I was at the hotel. Once I was checked in, I took my key and headed to the elevator and up my floor, but to my surprise, when the doors opened, there he was, standing right in front of me.

"WIll!?" I half shouted, not expecting to see him, he looked up from his phone and smiled when he saw me "I was just coming to find you", he said, letting me out of the elevator, before engulfing me in a hug. 'God he smells so good'


Author's note: A bit of a filler, but I don't wanna rush this one, I plan to take my time with it! Hope you enjoy, please let me know!

Will Ospreay - The Kingpin's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now