10 - Surprise

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*Will's POV*

The flight from Japan made me really tired, but I was happy to be back in the states, just because it meant I would see Sam again, I couldn't wait to surprise her. I'd changed my flight and flown back a day early without telling her, I just wanted to be back with her, she's so different from all the other girls I've met and she gives me butterflies every time I see her, that's got to mean something, right? Standing around waiting for my luggage to appear on the belt in the airport, I looked at my phone, opening the selfie she had sent me, snuggled in bed wearing my hoodie, she looked so damn cute in that picture and suddenly I couldn't stop thinking about her again. The way she makes me relax, how funny she is, her intelligence, her smart arse remarks, how she constantly reminds me that she's a queen so I don't get too cocky, the way she commands a room, being a great boss to the other artists, her confidence, how she always challenges me, making me work for her attention. Plus she's possibly the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. The sight of my suitcase on the luggage belt caught my attention, I walked over and grabbed it then went for the exit, I'd asked the Aussie Open boys to come and pick me in their rental car so I didn't have to get a taxi and plus they'd found out Sam's hotel room number for me so I could go straight to her.

When I walked out of the arrivals bit, I saw Kyle grinning "Alright twat face" I said, walking over and giving him a quick one armed hug "Not bad mate, how was the flight? Good?" he asked, walking me out to the car park where Davis was waiting in the car. "Yeah man, the flight was fine, glad to be back though" I said, putting my stuff in the car "Oh yeah?" Kyle grinned "Excited to see someone? A certain makeup artist with a nice rack maybe?" He laughed, wiggling his eyebrows at me, I just shoved his shoulder "You really like her don't you?" he asked, sounding a little more serious. "Leave him alone" Davis interrupted, "he's just grumpy because she didn't fall at his feet like girls usually do" They both smirked as I just chuckled and got in the back seat.

The ride to the hotel was pretty normal for us, we took the piss out of each other and then chatted about my match in Osaka, my new tittle and the fact Juice Robinson had got the belt still. When we got to the hotel, I checked into my room and said bye to the boys before heading up to Sam's floor to find her room. I walked out of the elevator to see a skinny blonde woman holding a suitcase and a huge designer bag, knocking on Sam's door. When the door opened, I heard Sam scream "Oh my God!! Babe, what are you doing here!?" she questioned, stepping forward to hug her, and drag her into the room "You think I was gunna sit at home doing nothing when it's your birthday in 4 days!? I don't think so!" she chirped in response as Sam closed the door behind her. I just stood in the corridor hoping they didn't see me. It's her birthday in 4 days!? I thought to myself, I really wanted to surprise her today and to see her face and spend some time with her, but I didn't want to interrupt her time with her friend and I realized I needed to find her a birthday present. And fast.

I texted the boys to meet me and headed back to my room. The three of us met and I told them what had happened, we decided to head straight back out and go to a mall to try and find a birthday present for Sam. We tried jewellery shops, I saw a few things she'd like but decided against jewellery because she's not my girlfriend and it felt too much, we went into into shops that sold scented candles and pamper kits but it didn't feel like enough. I just couldn't find the right thing for her, I wanted to show her that she means a lot to me, and that I care but nothing too flashy that might make her think I expect something from her. The boys got some food and we decided to head back to the hotel, even though I was mad I couldn't find anything for her.

"I think I'm gunna go see her tonight anyway, see if I can figure out what she'd like as a gift" I said to the lads as we got in the car to drive back to the hotel, they agreed it was a good idea and we headed back. Just as we got back to the hotel my phone buzzed, I checked it to see a message from Sam, it said: "Hey, I know it's late there, but I haven't heard from you, just checking in x".  Fuck. I hadn't text her because I was flying over and it was a surprise, but in my panic, I didn't even think to message her. Why does she make me this nervous? I thought about a reply but changed my mind, calling her instead "Hey, you didn't have to call, I know it's super late there" she answered, and it felt good hearing her voice "Hi, sorry I didn't message you, I have a surprise for you though" I said smiling as I got out of the car and wandered into the hotel "A surprise? Why?" she questioned, I chuckled and waved to the boys, heading over to the elevators and going up to her floor "Are you at your hotel?" I asked avoiding her question "Yeesss..?." she replied, "Good" I said before hanging up the phone as the elevator got to the right floor and I stepped out, going down the hall to her door.

I felt my phone start buzzing again as I got to her door and knocked. The door opened and there she was. Looking beautiful, in leggings, a crop top and my hoodie, no makeup, holding her phone to her ear, a shocked look on her face that slowly turned into a smile. "Will!" She hung up her phone and I felt the buzzing in my pocket stop as she jumped into my arms and I squeezed her to my chest. "You're still wearing my hoodie" I said into her hair with a chuckle "Yeah, it's cold, what else am I gunna wear when I'm hanging out in my room?" she asked looking up at me. I looked into her green eyes and smiled. Now I know what to get her for her birthday.

Author's note:
 I wrote this a slightly different style because it was from Will's perspective so I wanted it to sound like him.
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