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This document is written by Beyel, former Chief Harpi Maintainer at Mt. Kaos Palace, Androssos VI

Back then, when Kzarre fell once and for all, I was in charge of getting the Harpis trained and ordered, plump and ready, for the use of all Androssos VI. For those of you not familiar with any of the Androssos planets, I shall describe the inhabitants, the mannerisms, the ways and the fortunes, or misfortunes, of my planet, the sixth in the Archaeplanetos.

          A Harpi is a roughly 6 ft tall female creature, with the body of a human female, but with bird-like wings and talons where hands and feet should reside. Harpis are the engineered slaves upon Androssos VI, created deep in the Androssos fires about 2 miles down from the surface. Harpis were first introduced by Cyant, Kzarre's great grandfather, but it was Kzarre, on whom this document is primarily focused around, that made the industry really take off. When he initiated the programme around a month after he came to be King of Androssos VI, his first major initiative was to boost production of Harpis by 500%. Someone needed to manage the production, the cost, and to make sure they were well prepared for whatever they would be used for (normally not decent). And so Kzarre turned to me, who had been in charge of making sure all of the military Harpis were in pristine condition for years before. And that is the simple truth to how Beyel, simple military Androssian who liked to take care of Harpis, became one of the most important people in the running of Androssos VI in one swift move. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

          I had served in the Androssian military for many years, however the planet wasn't at war with anyone in all the time I was there, and we weren't in the habit of fighting amongst ourselves, thanks to the rule of the Kings we have had recently, so there wasn't that much to do. Of course we had to go and squash the odd uprising ever now and then, people who thought that our skin was too dark a crimson, when in fact it is scarlet.

          Human beings, of whom the vast majority of people reading this will be, have gone through the past several millennia believing in a being known as 'The Devil', or 'Satan', or some name similar to it. They believed that if they were evil, they would be punished by a divine entity known as 'God' and sent down to Hell, where Satan lords over all with a fiery whip and torments the evil-doers until the end of time. This formed the basis for the primary religion of humans until about 300 years ago when they made contact with Androssos VI and discovered, much to their astonishment, that they were right. The devil did exist all along, and demons were real. It was just that they were, to them, aliens. Androssians are how humans have typically perceived demons; red skin, goat legs, hooves, horns etc. And the devil? Well that's our King.

          As it turns out, way back in the mists of time a few millennia ago a lone soul experienced a little known phenomena known as 'Astral Projection'. This phenomenon is essentially the mind departing the body and travelling to wherever it happens to travel to. Regardless, this lone soul ended up wandering Androssos VI completely out of his mind scared, took the experience back and decided that that must be the place you go if you die evil. And so us lot back on Androssos VI have gotten a lot of stick for being the hell planet, with Mars coming in a close second for the 'evil planet of the year award', every year for centuries. Martians are smug assholes for not getting it, and we hate them with a burning passion.

          Anyway, I guess it can't be helped due to the longstanding Androssian traditions of sacrifice that we uphold. Every week, a young female Androssian would be strapped down to the table, naked but unafraid. The sacred chants would be overseen, we would parade around her with the hoods and the robes, slashing a cut into her abdomen in regulated and precise movements of the curved blades, three slashes to a line, to create a pentagram, pointed down her body. And then the presiding leader of the sacrifice would carve the circle around it, and stand up to the altar. The room would hush, our erotic nerves on end, waiting for it to happen. The leader would take out a long, sword-like blade and strike down, between the legs. A line of a chant, and then... slice! All the way up through, neatly carved in two, from between the legs to out of the head, and she slides into two pieces, guts spilling out, blood everywhere. Intestines leak out, cut in half, internal juices spurting out, showering our robes. And then, with a final chant, the impulses would take over. Every one of the worshipers would dive in, rolling around in the blood and the guts and the body parts, smothering themselves with the workings of the Androssian form. Pure ecstasy.

          I was never a big believer in the traditions of the sacrifices, and it was only the people presiding over the ceremonies that knew what it was all about, only they were taught the ancient Androssian language after all. It wasn't a law to go to the sacrifice ceremonies, but it was common practice to, so I used to go along every now and then, just to maintain good appearances. When I was looking after the Harpis, I was allowed to miss the weekly ceremonies to maintain them. I love Harpis, but not in a sexual way, unlike how lots of other Androssians love them, aka literally. Harpis just have this, innocent beauty. Although they may be genetically engineered lesser beings, to me they aren't just pets. They are my friends; some of them are closer friends than many Androssians. So when I was told that I could spend all of my time with Harpis, making sure they were well bred and maintained in order to be sold, dispatched and sent out to the masses, I was overjoyed. I could make friendships that would mean that others could see that they weren't just buying a product; they were being given possession of a living, breathing, beautiful creature.

          And so because I was spending so much time with the Harpis, I didn't attend the ceremonies any more. However I heard the reports from others that went, that it was down at the ceremonies that things first started to go wrong. Because six months after he became King, Kzarre crowned himself the Demon King, and took over the role of organising all ceremonies on Androssos VI. From there, things went downhill, and on July 16th, 5387, when Kzarre, the Last Demon Lord of Androssos VI became President of the Sacrificial Ceremonies, Androssos VI began to spiral downwards into its own hell. 

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