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I had retired to my quarters at roughly six o' clock, as was usual, and decided to take a fire-shower. Clothes off, into the shower, turned on and the flames licked down towards me. A nice, soothing sensation those fire-showers brought upon you, the best there ever was, courtesy of Kzarre of course. I simply stood there, letting the burning, searing heat cook me clean, thinking about what was to happen in an hour and a half's time. Miss Traya hadn't summoned me to dine for an informal chat, I was certain of that. It definitely wasn't to make polite conversation, and there was no way that she would have anything for me. After all, I was just the guy who trained and managed the Harpis. No, this leaved just one possibility. She wanted to confide in me something that she wished for nobody else to overhear.

          With this thought in my mind I stepped from the shower and cooled off. First things first, there was a meeting with Kzarre in the discussion chambers at six thirty, a quick briefing he always called for to see what had been going on in the various places of his illustrious industries and kingdom. That was what it was for at least, normally it was just a reason for Kzarre to boast about how great everything was. He was a narcissist at best, and a single minded fool the rest of the time. I checked over the day's progress very quickly, gathered up my Halo-Core, and began to make my way over to the room.

          The halls were strangely quiet, and it took me a while to remember why. Kzarre was having a meditation session, and had requested that most of the staff attend, in order to see how a King should behave. He thought that it might help improve their self esteem, seeing how one so noble acted and worked, but it just annoyed them. Another check on the Kzarre the douche scale.

          I entered the chamber and set down the Halo-Core on the table. I seated myself on the incredibly comfy seats, courtesy of Kzarre once again, and lost myself in my thoughts once again. It was around 20 past 6, I still had ten minutes or so to contemplate how to improve the efficiency of the Harpi training scheme. I had contemplated asking for a larger workforce to help aid in training up the Harpis, but Kzarre had replied with a negative. The Harpis were an invaluable commodity, he motioned, but Androssians could not be called from other jobs to train the Harpis when they were already busy helping the planet in many other ways. I had thought to mention that the planet as a whole was in relative unemployment, and that many Androssians were leaving for the slums in Celestria, but held my tongue. Kzarre didn't approve of being under the relative umbrella of The Empire Of Humanity, he said it spoiled his pride as a King, and so I thought better of mentioning the hub-planet.

          My thoughts were interrupted by one of the maids rushing in, tail all a flutter, face flushed green.

'Sir Beyel, come quickly. It's the King, he has had a vision!' I started up from my seat. This certainly was a first. Kzarre having a vision? A psychic vision from the result of the mediation? Nobody had had a vision through meditation for three generations. This really was an event, and one that I needed to get to as quickly as possible. I left swiftly, and the maid led me to the chamber in which Kzarre was now resting.

          I entered into the room, and there was Kzarre, in a chair, his head-crown of horns all alight on fire, leaning on his scarlet trident for support. His eyes were fluttering from place to place, as if they didn't know where to be and where to look. I rushed over to him, where Traya and several other of his right-hand men were already gathered.

'What has happened my King?' I asked. He managed to keep his eyes steady enough for a few moments to look in my direction.

'Ah, Beyel, there you are. I have had the most tremendous vision. They have spoken to me.' Kzarre seemed to be trying to catch his breath, for he spoke no more and motioned for a Black Mariner Martini to be brought to him.

'Who have, who have spoken to you my King?' I urged, and he dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

'Please, call me Kzarre. I'm too dazed and confused to stick to honoraries at the moment.' He reached for the martini which Traya had brought for him and tipped his head back. He drained it in one go.

'Kzarre, who has spoken to you in your meditations?' I asked again, pleading for an answer. He shook his head as an effect of the burning alcohol in his system, and gasped for the air from it.

'The gods. The ones we pray for and honour in the sacrifices. They spoke to me.' I was a little shocked; there was no way the gods spoke to him. I didn't particularly believe in them for one thing, and of all the people they could have picked, they spoke to Kzarre. They could have chosen worse people to communicate their holy messages to, but they also could have selected better. Lots better.

One of the people on his right, simply referred to as 'The Father' asked him 'what did they say, Kzarre?' Kzarre frowned.

'I told Beyel to call me Kzarre. Everyone else must still refer to me as King.' The Father bowed deeply and apologised to everything most holy. He restated his question. This time, Kzarre replied.

'It was about the sacrifices. Those we sacrifice, they go to the gods unclean. They say that we must cleanse them before their souls depart.' The few of us that were trying to calm our king took a step back.

'Whatever do you mean father? The ceremonies cleanse the sacrifices before their souls go to the gods, they have been cleansed for hundreds of generations,' Traya said to her father. Kzarre shook his head.

'I can only repeat what they have said to me. They are unclean when they are sacrificed, and so I must think and brood on what should be done about it.' He looked at those of us in the room, which were all looking upon him with nervous apprehension.

'There will be no meeting tonight, I must rest myself and contemplate what has happened to me. You are all dismissed. Father, please escort me to my Royal Chambers.' The Father extended a hand and Kzarre got up, taking his trident in the other hand. His tail swished from one side to the other, his hooves heavy upon the floor as the hair on his legs bristled. He slowly lumbered his way, like an injured animal, out of the room and down the corridor. The rest of those who had been in company with us left soon after, muttering and murmuring to each other, asking and chattering away as to what they had just overheard from the mouth of their King. Eventually it was just Traya and I left in the room. She turned to me.

'What do you think it all means?'

'I think,' I said, 'That your father is going to do something incredibly rash, that hasn't been thought out at all, and is going to mark a black day for Androssos VI all over.' Miss Traya looked me in the eye.

'I think you may be right. Would you come to my chambers now? We can eat earlier now that there is no meeting.' I smiled.

'Of course, I would just like to go and pick up my Halo-Core first. Would you like me to go to the Harpi barracks and bring Inji up to show her around? After you left her motivation skyrocketed, she's almost there. A few more hours and I think I can send her up to you permanently.' Traya clapped in excitement.

'Oh yes, I think that is a wonderful idea. I shall be expecting you soon then.' She left with a swish of hair, and exited the room. I sighed for a brief moment, if I were a lot younger I could have fancied a girl like that. As it was, I wasn't that young, and so I went to collect my Halo-Core and Inji instead.

          Inji was over the moon when I turned up. I had to fend off a few of the other Harpis who were complaining that Inji was getting an unfair treatment, and that I was biased towards her, but she hid behind me as I backed out of the barracks, and shut the door. I laughed nervously to relieve the tension, and then we made our way over to Miss Traya's quarters.

          I arrived at the door, and stopped outside, unsure of how to continue. I went to knock, hesitated, and then knocked three times. A call from within, and I hit the panel on the wall. The door unlocked, recognising my genes, and I opened the door to Princess Traya's chambers.

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