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At this point, many of you reading will already know what happened, due to the large amount of media coverage at the time. For those of you who had somehow missed all of the broadcasts, news bulletins, announcements and general interest in what happened on Androssos VI after we all left Kzarre to face the Celestrian army on his own, I shall recap the general chronology of events.

          Celestrian authorities, backed up by a few sections of its army, made their way from the port towards the castle. It seems that by that point Kzarre had finished his time in the gardens and wondered where everyone was. A quick look on a Halo-Core and he realised the predicament he was in. He had been abandoned to the wrath of Humanity, and I am not quite sure if he knew why. It seemed he tried calling for anyone still around, of which there was nobody, before fleeing to a small stronghold he had, deep in the bowels of the palace. Celestrian authorities found no resistance, and it took them a day or so to realise where Kzarre actually was, so well concealed was his hidden retreat. By this point, he had thrown up so many barriers, gates, codes locks and traps that the advancing forces preceded with extreme caution.

          From within his little cell, he made several attempts to communicate with the outside world, demanding an explanation as to why he was being hounded down and forced to hide within his own home. After a Celestrian official managed to get a word to him that he was there because of an infringement of one of the laws of The Empire Of Humanity, he spat at the screen and declared that such a petty rule created by humans could not be enforced on a planet which they had no control over. The very notion that he was not in control of his own planet seemed to pass him by, and the army pressed on further.

          It was nearly three months of solid grinding at the defences before any change in Kzarre's mood was seen. As the last stances failed, he seemed to panic, and began to quiver, as if in repentance. He fled via a small shaft and clambered into a small vehicle, from which he propelled himself out via a concealed tunnel, towards the holy Androssos VI Mountains of Ashpodis. He was hotly pursued, but they were always a good ten minutes behind the king. They finally caught up with him upon the sacred ledge which primitive Androssians had considered the talking point, the place where the plains of reality were thinnest. It was a place for conversing with the gods. Kzarre was upon his knees, deep in prayer, his horns having seemed to aged a thousand generations.

'King Kzarre of Androssos VI, you are hereby charged with committing an act of ritualistic necrophilia, a practice outlawed amongst citizens of The Empire Of Humanity. Your penalty is therefore, to be sentenced to death.' Kzarre kept his head bowed, never flinching.

'Stand, with your hands up, with all weapons at your feet. Turn around after to face us.' Kzarre did not obey these commands, simply picked up a rock at his feet.

'I have failed my planet,' he said, 'through corruption by monarchy. Its power has changed me into a creature hell-bent on absolute rule, not concerned for the lives of others.' A hand signal from one of the commanders of the army told them all to hold fire. Kzarre raised the rock, and slammed it down upon the ground. There was the sound of something cracking. The king held up an item to the fading sunlight in the fire-red sky.

'The jewel of the monarchy, The Androssos VI Star, is no more.' Kzarre now rose slowly, with all confidence. He turned to face the men behind him, weapons drawn, surrounding him.

'This is the end fellas; this is where it all ends. It's been good, mind; I've had a blast ruling over my planet, my home. I've been important, and I think I will be remembered, and in this day and age where stars die more quickly than people can agree on where to eat for lunch, isn't that really the most important thing?' A slight grin came onto his face at this point, so it is reported, and every hand on every weapon clenched just that fraction harder.

'I'm sorry, but humans aren't taking me alive. I am an Androssian, from Androssos VI, and I shall die with dignity.' He turned to face the spit of land jutting out from the mountain, stopping for a few seconds. One of the members of the army realised what he was doing and tried to stop him, but all to no avail. Kzarre the King ran towards the end, towards certain death, and jumped. Whilst in the air before the plunge down, thousands of meters down, he extended his arms, cruciform. It was then that he dipped below the level of the land, and disappeared forever. It was in that moment that Kzarre, the last demon king of Androssos VI, truly fell. And although falling, in the final moments of his life, he redeemed himself some slight dignity, some slight drop of respect.

Aside from that, there is not much to discuss. The reformation of the planet is in progress, and a new government is being established, with Traya firmly suspected to run it, in close connections with Celestria, thanks to her new human partner there, who is very charming indeed. I am back helping to get the Harpis going along smoothly, although they are always going to be firmly linked with Kzarre due to his love of them, and so demand has fallen for their production, much to my dismay. However I love doing it in any capacity, and am sure that Traya will get word to Celestria about them, where I am sure they shall fall in love with the creatures. It is my hope; it would do wonders for the planet. And after all the controversy it gathered with Kzarre, it could do with all the good press it can get.

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