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Being one of the most important people in Kzarre's inner circle, I had the privilege to wander around the palace when I felt that I needed a stroll to stretch my legs and let my mind take me to whatever place it felt it needed to go to. It was an incredible building, let me tell you. Built into a volcano, with Androssian marble everywhere, with great horned mosaics upon the floor, perfectly constructed to the highest standards in The Empire. The smell of sulphur was always lingering, but somehow the scent was never pungent, or bad enough even to be labelled a stench. It was part of the character of the palace, and I have not caught a whiff of sulphur since without thinking of that remarkable construction.

          Armour lined the hallways, paintings and tapestries that had existed in pristine condition for millennia guarded from either side as one took a wander. Dozens of generations of the most important figures of the planet's history gazed down with their eyes, seemingly dead but still with a flicker of life in them. Walking down some corridors was like taking a stroll into a time machine, such was the overwhelming effect of the history on either side of you. The carpets were blacker than the abyss of space itself, each hoof hitting the floor silently. If ever there were a break-in by old earthen Ninja assassins, everyone would be dead in but a few minutes. Kzarre's family had a love of peace and quiet, except for the screams of the damned, and it was kept that way right until the end.

          The walls were lined with gold, edging around their blushing colour, often embedded with rubies, diamonds, and on one or two occasions, Minaus stones, the rarest stones in the Androssos Archaeplanetos. Every single second in that palace was like being clothed in the essence of luxury, no expense had been spared on its construction, and Kzarre was never one to skimp out on anything. If it was worth doing, it was worth overdoing, especially if it boosted his incredible ego.

          The palace itself wasn't that bad until Kzarre came to rule. Within a month the entire palace had doubled in value, gold trim and jewels everywhere, the taxes on the planet were raised and not more than a few people noticed it and became slightly irritated with the raise. After all, it was only those who worked at the palace that had the benefit of all of this input, and that wasn't a grand total in the vast scheme of things.

          Kzarre was charming, and oozing with self confidence. He seemed to think that by smiling, waving his tail and impregnating a few wenches, the world would come to adore him, which at first they did. For the first year or so of his rule, apart from the odd few annoyances, everything was fine. The palace was always full of screams, whips were always lashing, and sacrifices were going like no tomorrow. Harpi production went up, and I made a few more friends, as you might have gathered. Jwcci became a lifelong companion, and comes over to visit me every now and then now that she has moved out, and I still keep in touch with lots more such as Vixn and Seduké. Kzarre loved them almost as much as I did, and within 7 or 8 months there were around 4 times as many Harpis flitting around the palace as before, giggling away and radiating beauty and cuteness. Most Androssians don't like cute, but with Harpis I've always loved it.

          Another person that liked Harpis was Kzarre's daughter Traya. She was down at the training ground most days, talking with the Harpis as they went through their penetration routines, feeding them treats, tickling their wings etc. She was always a pleasure to have around, her tail being bitten very slightly by a Harpi or two always made her giggle in the most adorable way. Not a soul spoke badly of Traya, and I certainly never complained when she was down by the training grounds with me.

          It was around 3 months before it all ended that she came up to me, all a flutter, looking down shyly with a green blush across her cheeks. I was busy helping a poor Harpi, Inji her name was, regain her confidence at hovering after another Harpi took a bite out of her wing a few weeks before. I never even noticed that she was stood behind me until she tapped my shoulder lightly.

'Verus, if that's you...' I started to say, thinking that it was one of the more playful Harpis I was helping at the time.

'It's me sir,' Traya said, announcing herself. I turned and bowed, as was customary for a member of the Royal Family.

'I'm sorry miss, Verus has had a slight shoulder-tapping spree lately, and I was sure that it was her behind me,' I apologised. Traya shook her head lightly, dismissing my apology.

'No need to apologise. You couldn't have known that it was me.' She looked past me to Inji, whom she was good friends with.

'How are you getting on Inji? Any better?' Inji, who was solely focused on not plummeting to the floor, looked up and her eyes instantly changed to solar bodies. She shouted 'Traya' in the typical high-pitched Harpi exclamation, and flew over to her. She lapped Traya a few times in happiness and then bowed out of quickly remembered propriety. Traya returned the bow and Inji sat her foot-long body on Traya's right shoulder.

'I shall take that as a yes then,' Traya chuckled, and I did as well.

'She's nearly back to normal. Just working on her stamina and then she will be right as rain again, won't you Inji?' Inji nodded quickly with exaggerated head movements and folded up her wings to snuggle against Traya's neck. She glanced down at the little Harpi on her shoulder and smiled.

'I think I'm going to have to keep you for myself. How does that sound?' Inji about died of astonishment, so much so that she almost fell to the floor from blacking out. I managed to dive to stop her hitting the floor with a definite crunch and damaging her fragile little wings even further. She looked around dazed and confused, and smiled sheepishly when she saw herself sat in my hands, with me sprawled on the floor.

'What was it you wanted Miss Traya?' She looked down, seemingly ashamed of something.

'Umm, well I was wondering, if...' She stuttered, hands behind her back. She looked like a small child asking her father for a Zale to go to the amusement park with.

'What is it Miss Traya?' I was confused as to what she was trying to say, she was normally so confident and care-free.

'I was, wondering if you would, like to, to have dinner with me this evening.' She blushed the lightest green I had ever seen in my life, and I guess I must have done as well. Here was the princess of the entire planet, asking the manager of the Harpis to dine with her that evening. Well there was a moment I will never forget. I think I gaped for a second or two before remembering my place as a worker in the palace.

'Of course, I mean, yes I would, Miss Traya.' Her eyes lit up with glee and she bowed to me, which has never repeated itself since.

'Thank you so much Mr Beyel, I will be expecting you in my quarters at seven thirty then.' She said goodbye to Inji, who was still in a daze from being told she could stay with Traya for the foreseeable future, and flitted off out of the training room to wherever else in the palace she wanted to go. I think I must have stared at the door for a good twenty seconds before realising that Inji was pulling at my sleeve.

'Oh, sorry Inji. Right, let's try that one again; remember to use your tail to turn and not your wings.'

And so, just like that, it was arranged that I was to dine with Miss Traya, Princess of Androssos VI, and daughter to Kzarre, The Last Demon King.

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