Chapter 1 - Through the Fabric of Reality

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Author's Note: This is a gift request for KaijuHunter02 on ao3. It'll probably be around 12 chapters when it's complete. ^-^ Updates will be every Tuesday. :)

To KaijuHunter02: I really hope you enjoy your gift! :D I'm not sure what all you had in mind, but well... this is how it turned out. Lol.

~ Amina Gila

Felucia is a death trap, and Anakin doesn't think they're any closer to winning this part of the battle on the planet than they were when they first came as reinforcements. The droids continue marching through the trees in seemingly endless numbers, and he cuts through them one after another, Ahsoka at his side.

Something doesn't feel right in the Force. It feels strangely turbulent and out of balance, but he doesn't have the time to focus on why. It doesn't have anything to do with approaching danger, or maybe the battle at all – of that Anakin is fairly certain – so he lets the distraction slip to the back of his mind as he keeps fighting. He can't afford a distraction.

A ripple runs through the Force, and it feels like the disturbance is spreading, intensifying. It suddenly surges violently, and the next thing he knows, he sees a group of people who were definitely not there a moment before standing a short distance away from them in the trees.

They just... appeared. Out of nowhere.

Anakin retreats a few steps, moving to slight cover behind some trees to get a better look.

The Force is still crashing violently around him, but he notices instantly that all of them feel dark, like Sith... not as though he couldn't tell as much with his eyes.

At the front of the group is someone who looks like him, except older. His eyes are a blazing yellow, and he feels like a black hole in the Force. He's clothed in black robes, and has a scar across the left side of his face, from his temple all the way down to his jaw, that Anakin is fairly certain is from a lightsaber.

The dark haired woman standing next to him bears an unmistakable resemblance to Padme, except for the yellow eyes and a lightsaber is clipped to her belt.

Next to them is a tall Togruta with very familiar white markings crossing her orange skin. Her only eye – the other one looks like it was lost to a lightsaber, from the scars across her lekku right next to the area – is also yellow.

Behind them, there's three children who look close to Ahsoka in age; a blonde-haired boy with blue eyes who looks disturbingly similar to Anakin himself, a dark haired girl who resembles Padme, and another girl, a little younger, with red hair and green eyes.


Where did they come from? What are they doing here? How did they get here?!

Ahsoka ducks behind the tree next to Anakin, eyeing the others. "Who are you?!" she exclaims, eyes narrowed as she holds her lightsaber ready.

Anakin keeps his own blade out and poised though he knows if the... Sith – if that's what they are – are against them, this isn't a fight they can win. He can tell as much by the numbers.

The others look between Anakin, Ahsoka, and the battle around them. "I thought you said we were going to the past," says the older Togruta, who sounds so much like Ahsoka he nearly starts in surprise, "I don't remember any of this ever happening."

"It appears that we are in a different reality," the man who looks so much like Anakin – and sounds like him – says.

"They're Jedi," the boy observes, narrowing his eyes as he looks at them.

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