Chapter 10 - All Things Must End

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Author's Note: Two chapters left! :)

~ Amina Gila

As far as Rapax is concerned, this is the craziest plan her master has ever come up with in his life. In order to officially show the unity between the new Empire and the Outer Rim Alliance, Vader and Angelus have decided to have a second, but this time public, wedding ceremony.

Personally, she thinks Angelus just wants an extra good excuse to wear a very unnecessarily fancy dress – not that she ever needs an excuse for that.

Although Rapax never did get to attend their last wedding since she didn't meet Vader until a couple months after that, so she doesn't mind. Even if it seems like overkill.

Especially considering that the Jedi are aware that the leader of the Outer Rim Alliance is a Sith, and they're going to be attending, since this is... public.

There's quite a few people attending, mostly for political reasons or in the hopes of gaining favors, but she still doesn't miss the clear feeling of malevolent eyes on her as she moves through the crowd. She isn't keeping her lightsabers in plain sight, but there's no way her shielding is good enough that none of the Jedi pick up on it.

Because, yes, there are a few of them here, though she isn't sure if just as a polite political statement or because they're trying to feel them out, get a clue on how they operate before they take action against them. She has to wonder. Although such action would be foolish, and they have to know it. But she doesn't think they're actually going to back down, even if they don't do anything openly.

She brushes the thoughts aside, though, turning her attention to the front of the room once the ceremony finally begins.

And when it's over, Vader and Angelus are officially married... again.


They're both insane, as far as she's concerned. But as long as it will work to their benefit...


It's finally time for them to return to Tatooine, something Vader is eager for, especially since Athair will be coming with them, though he can't stay long.

Anakin is following him as they approach the shuttle, expression guarded, though Vader can feel how uncomfortable and... upset he feels in the Force.

He glances at Anakin for a moment, meets his eyes briefly with an equally unreadable look before he looks away.

"We are ready to go," Vader tells Athair instead, heading up the ramp with them following.

Anakin freezes the moment he steps into the hold. "What is she doing here?"

"Bringing Skywalker here too now?" Ventress crows, reclining lazily in a seat in the corner, "And here I thought at least the Jedi's precious Chosen One wouldn't be 'corrupted by the Dark Side.'"

Anakin flinches back. His emotions flare into the Force, a mix of hurt and anger and guilt and...

"That's enough, Ventress," Athair snaps, which surprisingly, shuts her up, as he turns to Anakin, "She... decided to join us."

Anakin opens his mouth, then closes it again, saying nothing, but his unhappiness is loud enough that there's no way everyone can't feel it.

"She was a valuable ally in defeating Sidious," Vader offers, though he doesn't think that changes anything, before he disappears to the cockpit to fire up the engines. It's time to go.

Once they make the jump to lightspeed, he steps back into the main hold.

Rapax and Ventress are busy in the corner doing... something. He doesn't pay attention to what, instead moving to take a seat next to Athair. Anakin is nowhere to be seen.

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