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"What do you wanna watch. I've got HBO and Prime." "You ever watched Luci?" "The one on Netflix?" "Yea." "I don't have Netflix, they barely have anything to watch." "Lucky you got me." Aria types in a movie site's name before 6 seasons pop up and look sat Mary who is laying next to her but instead she's faced the other way so you see her rear, her shorts rising up when she turns and sees you looking. She looks back at Aria as Aria turns away in embarrassment, and puts on the first episode.
"Are you embarrassed?" "How could I not be, I got caught looking at a real nice ass, hopefully I didn't make you feel uncomfortable." Mary pulls the embarrassed girl into the middle of the bed, she turns off the light and grabs a box of nerds before laying over Aria's thighs and watching the show with her,
3rd episode in and she was a bit bored, and a random question floated to the surface. "Mary have you ever dyed your hair?" "I've been wanting to dye my hair but I can't do any unnatural colors. Why do you ask?" "I just imagined you with different colors of hair, just wanted to know, you're already really pretty, you don't even need it but it's always some food for thought." Mary set both girls' snacks down, closing the packaging and started to straddle Aria. "So you really do think I'm pretty huh?"
"Very." *Aria's phone rings* "Hello?" "Aria you say you're at a friends house but I think you're hanging with a boy, put me on facetime so I can see you're really with a friend and not a boyfriend." Mary quickly gets off of you as you turn on the facetime with your mother.
"As you can see, I'm not dead, and I'm hanging with a girl not a boy." "Mhm, I've never seen her before." "We met not too long ago, this is Mary." "Mary, are you by any chance a christian?" "Come again?" Aria drops the phone and it lands on the screen protector she whispers to Mary quickly. "You have to say you're a christian or my mom won't let us hang out ever again, she also doesn't know that I'm not straight."
"Sorry mom, Mary, she was asking if you were a christian." "Definitely, I keep my bible in my 1st drawer, showing Jesus is the first in my heart." "Ok, come home tomorrow Aria, you don't need to be out all the time. Mary you seem like a nice young lady, but if you ever want to come over, or if she's to hang out with you at your residence ever again, I'm going to need your address, and I'll have to meet you in person." "Yes ma'am I understand." "Goodnight mom." "Good night." *Beep*
Both women looked at the phone and looked at each other before bursting into a giggling fit. "I had no clue your mother was a homophobe." "That's my fault, I should've told you." "Wouldn't it be funny if you found out the entire time your mother was a lesbian?" "That would be pretty crazy, and definitely hypocritical." "Hey, I've got some stuff to make nachos with if you're up for it." "Why didn't you say that we could've been having 2nds by now." Aria switched the show to the movie Hustlers. They both get up, and go wash their hands before cooking their meal together, they both let the other taste the first bite. Aria went into the room to set up the foldable tables, and both were at the tables eating the huge plate of nachos they had made. Later into the night they curled up and fell asleep together.
* 5:30 the next morning*
Slowly opening her eyes, Aria looked at the clock on the nightstand, and then the sleeping woman curled against her, slowly getting out of the bed so as to not wake her, she grabbed her morning essentials from the bag, and started her morning routine,brushing her teeth, shower, etc. Taking the plates and cups from the evening, washing them and putting them away quietly, looking around making sure nothing was left out.
Hearing the bathroom door open signaled that she was awake.
Grabbing 2 bowls the clock read 5:53 AM, she went and knocked on the bathroom door. "Sorry to disturb you Mary, but do you want breakfast?" "Frosted flakes please." Aria makes the cereal and taps on the flakes to make sure they all touch the milk, a minute later she comes in and Aria sets down both bowls as Mary got out of the shower,both sat at the table to eat their breakfast. "When do you usually leave for work? If you want I can drop you off from work, and I'll pick you up." "I leave for work at 6:30, 10 minutes for good measure, I'm alright with that arrangement for today." "I had a nice time with you,I wish I could've spent all the days of your roommate not being here, but I have things to handle." "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's keeping you?"
"The friend that fought your manager." "Did you know that Tiara actually had a girlfriend?" "I knew, just so no one tells you anything different, she offered to show me some things, it wasn't really supposed to go any further than her showing me. She ended up in my car, and I asked her if she was in a relationship and she admitted to it. So I told her to stop and she didn't, the only reason nothing else happened was because of a security guard. I'm sorry but I just thought it wouldn't really go anywhere beyond a 1 time thing with us. I know what we had last night was fun, but I think it would be good for both of us to slow down because things are a little hot right now." "Oh, as a matter of fact, I think it would be better to take my car today than, Trina would flip on me too, because what I didn't tell you was after I'd given you my number she grabbed me by the shirt and told me to stay away from you."
"Are you scared of her?" "You wouldn't be here if I was scared of her, but like you said we're gonna take things slow, I think that's a good idea so no one jumps to conclusions. I also very much do want us to be a thing, so maybe we can go someplace another time." "That sounds nice, I'm glad that we're actually going to try to make this work, also I didn't take you from your work last night, right?" "All my work was done yesterday, now what about you, you keep getting kidnapped from your work." "My work gets done in study hall I'm good to go." Aria looks at both finished bowls "Do you want me to take that so I can clean them?" "I've already been a horrible host, leave those to me."
*Aria goes into the living room and calls Gema* "Hello?" "Did you get Trina yet?" "Yea I did, we can make a passoff on our way to school, are you coming or not?" Aria gives Mary a smile and mouths 'I gotta go' she stands up and goes to grab her overnight bag. "I'm on my way, sit tight." "See you soon." Aria hangs up.
"I know we're taking everything slow but a simple hug would suffice." Mary huffs a little annoyed. "I'll do something better." Aria goes up to Mary and hugs her, soon locking lips with Mary and squeezing her ass before she heads out the door.
'Taking things slow my ass, girl you're claimed by me and don't even know it yet, you'll be back real soon.'

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