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Looking at her phone it read 5:00PM, she hadn't eaten anything since she was at Mary's , maybe it was good to make a stop at the Pizza shop once school was over.
She went online and customized it, setting it to pick up in 30 minutes. Reading a book her phone starts to ring, and she looks at the study hall teacher, who gives her a sweet nod. In the hallway she answers.
"Hello." "Since you were with Mary and can't even admit to it I don't think I can trust you anymore." "Holdup, let's reverse time back to this morning, if you recalled,I didn't scream at you when you got in the car,thanks to her. You're mad you landed yourself in jail,with a charge because you put hands on someone on your own." "You know I did it for you,all for you."
"Did I ask for it though? That answer is no. You are a grown woman who made her own decision then, and you're still a grown woman who can make her own decisions now. You got yourself in this, I'm not telling you you're wrong for having feelings,but the way you went about it is a huge no, so the only one that's at fault is you in this situation. I'm sorry Trina, the truth hurts, but at the end of the day it's something you needed to hear, you aren't always right like you thought. Do better and make better decisions for yourself, you will not be putting all of this on me."
Aria hangs up and wipes away a tear that went down her cheek and going back into the study hall, silencing her phone.
Heading for the pizza shop, the employee puts her pizza on the counter. You notice the blonde blue eyed employee had a bright smile on her face, nothing was wrong with asking,it might be something that'll make you smile too.
"If you don't mind me asking, what's got you so peachy this evening." "Oh, well I got a cute girl's number today, she's one of the baristas across the street." "Well, I bet that's enough to make anyone happy, finding out a girl is gay, and she might be interested in talking to you." Walking out of the pizza shop she goes to sit down in her car, and eat her pizza, she wondered who the barista was.

'We aren't even exclusive, she can talk to whoever, maybe Trina was right. Was she really able to see all of this coming from Mary? Or maybe I was too stupid and tried to think with my heart,or what was probably in my damn pants.'
*??? POV*
Texting the pretty baristas number she waited for a response.
'Hello beautiful stranger, I feel dumb right now, but I never asked you for your name or told you mine. I'm Laura Winchester, believe it or not I work across the street from you ;)'
The number had opened the message,and replied.
'Well Laura, I'm Mary Ranger. Don't feel dumb,after all this is a good way to start a conversation and get introduced to one another.'
'Got a question.'
'Ask away'
'Have you seen the other person you're talking to at all today?'
'Not really,I hope she's ok tho'
'Well than might I occupy your time that she's leaving vacant?'
'There is no vacant time as of now,I'm literally in the restroom replying to you, so I have no time as of now'
'I know it's really soon but maybe we can hang out after we get off work, if you're alright with letting me know when your shift ends'
'I get off at 7:30'
'Sweet we get off at the same time, see you than'
She picked up that I didn't ask her name just to text her way quicker than I thought,whoever else she's talking too is fumbling her pretty hard, oh well, I'm snatching her up from whoever that stupid bitch is.
*Aria POV*
Looking at a picture of Mary's schedule that I had gotten, I noticed she gets off at 7:30 today. 'If she goes straight home it probably wasn't her, if it was she'd stay. It's 6:19 right now, I need to get ready for this'
Throwing away the pizza box, Aria drives home, going into her room,she looks around, empty.
"Trina? Where are you?" Aria looks all over the house,but no sign of Trina. "Fuck!" Aria puts on black clothes and grabs her ski mask, getting in her car she heads back to the cafe her clock reading 7:23. Stepping on the gas she calls Gema
"Hello?" "Have you seen Trina?" "Not since you came to pick her up what's going on?"
"I came home and Trina wasn't there. I looked all over the house for her and nothing."
",I'll drive around the neighborhood, we'll find her, I'm looking at the find my phone app now, it says she's at home."
"Well just in case I'll look around campus,she probably needed a smoke and went after her stash."
"Probably." *Beep*
Pulling into the lot and parking, she watches Mary leave with the pizza shop girl,as they start their stroll through the campus park. Picking up on movement coming not too far from them, she slides on her ski mask and follows them, staying hidden and keeping eyes on movement.
"How were you able to pick up the fact I didn't ask for your name at first to talk to you?"
"Just a hunch, I wouldn't really do the same but it's pretty smart, it's a great conversation starter, and it makes a lot of things look like accidents."
Not even paying attention to their talk, she crept around through the bushes, and then saw what was the cause of the movement from earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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