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Aria gets into her car and drives to Gema's house and calls her. "Hello?" "I'm outside." "She's outside, you're gonna be over there for tomorrow and than come back, I got stuff to handle with my people right now." "Ok." Trina walks out and gets into the passenger side, you were in a good mood so you decided not to say anything, driving to your mom's house and putting your car in park you grab your overnight bag and take it into the house, looking through the house and making sure your mom was still asleep, you open your window and tell Trina to come in.
Trina comes into the house, locking and shutting the window and coming into your room, locking that door too. Aria checks her phone it's 8:15. She swaps out the clothing in her overnight bag. "Where else did you go besides the sleepover with Gema?" "Trina, I don't think you're in a position to ask right now, if you weren't in jail, you probably would be. I'm in a good mood, please don't ruin that." "Where did you go?" Aria looks at her with warning eyes. "Trina, I just told you not to ask." "If I'm your best friend would should be able to tell each other everything, so what are you hiding from me." "How about this, we can get a start on what caused a fight between you and the manager, than we can talk about where I was, deal?" Trina looks down at her feet, not wanting to answer your question, with that you grabbed your bookbag but before you were able to leave, Trina stands in front of the door.
"Aria, I'm in love with you, that's why I fought Tiara. I want to be with you, more than that thot Mary, or Tiara's cheating behind. I want us to be together, please just give me a chance to have your heart, and let me show you that I can be a good girlfriend." Looking at her, Aria sits down. "I can't tell you exactly who I was with, because I can't have you fighting them. We've been friends since high school, when did these feelings pop up and why didn't you tell me sooner?" "They started when we turned 21, and I didn't tell you because I wanted to make sure they were real, and that they weren't drunk feelings." "Trina, I'm gonna need time this is one hell of a year we're in for, and this is causing me stress, so let's put it to the side right now, and focus on graduating, this is already not going well, it's February 9th and Valentine's day is around the corner, lets not ruin a holiday because of drama." "You were with that skank Mary huh? I see how it is, you want her, and you can't even be honest with me."
Aria pushes past Trina and leaves for school, her mood ruined, but her guilt slowly subsides, she decided to pass on her coffee that day, Mary didn't deserve to keep seeing her upset going to her classes. She sat through her lectures, taking notes and getting ahead on her homework.
*Trina POV*
'She doesn't even want me, she wants Mary, I bet she was with her last night, did they have a drink? Or sex? Why does Aria want her so bad, is it because she made her "feelings" more obvious?' Sitting in Aria's bed, Trina starts to cry until even the feeling of being in Aria's room was suffocating, jumping out and closing the window, Trina walked to her mom's, grabbing the spare key from inside the potted plant, she looks around,opens the door and puts it back, going to hide in her room incase her mom came home, she was hurt and angry that someone she fell in love with and was close too would do something like this, what had she done to not have the one she wanted to be with the most,maybe there was a way to fix all of this, Mary couldn't have Aria, there was no way something like that could happen on her watch.
*Mary POV*
'Taking orders is of course part of the job, but I haven't seen my bunny anywhere, I hope she's ok because she didn't come for her coffee. She was fine this morning, maybe I'll see her later.' "Mary, I know you're not back there with your head in the clouds." Tiara calls. "I'm not, I just found the croissants,and we only have 3 boxes left." Mary takes the croissants from the freezer to the mini oven, taking them out the box she puts them in a container, closing the lid with a scowl on her face hearing Tiara " That burnt face ass-" "Mary, did you see my headset back here?" "Tiara your headset is on your head. How are you recovering from yesterday if you don't mind me asking?" "Ask again and you're fired."
"I guess that makes both of us, I've got the video from your fight, and evidence of you flirting with Aria and almost spilling coffee on her, if they see you're in drama and incompetent about your job, we'll be in the same situation. I know about Tina too, and if she kicked you out today you'd be homeless." "Since we're talking about being homeless, calm that mouth before you end up not being able to pay your rent next month." "My rent is paid in full, I was just asking about you." Mary gives her a sweet smile at the thought of Aria's kiss that morning and goes back to work.
"Hail Mary we gotta go take out the first round of garbage today." "I've gotten bloody Mary, and now Hail Mary, so many nicknames." Both coworkers share a laugh and bag up the 1st round of garbage for the day. Putting it in the cart to dispose of they both head outside and dump everything in the trash. Mary checks her schedule and than clocks out for her lunch break. "Umm,hi." Mary looks to her left and sees a taller, athletic built girl to her left. "Hello,if you were trying to order something I can't help you as of now, but you can go inside and they can help you." "Oh no I wanted to speak to you." "About?" "I wanted to know if you were interested in women by any chance." "I am,but I'm speaking with someone at the moment." "Well would you take my number if all doesn't go well with the person you're currently speaking with? I mean you two aren't official yet. I would love to get to know you better."

"I guess, but please understand that I'm a very busy person." Exchanging numbers both women went about their days.

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