Project Camping

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Word Count: 1680

Project Camping

"This sucks," Dan complains to his roommate, Will, while he packs his bag.

"Hey at least it is still fall. Everything should be fine. There are supposed to be any storms; in fact, there is supposed to be sixty degree weather all weekend."

"Yes, well I would rather not spend my whole weekend outdoors. Plus, it'll be with whoever we were paired with. Couldn't we at least be paired with our roommate?"

Will sighs. "You know that's not the point Dan. We have to work with someone we don't see a lot."

"How do they know that we don't see the person we are pared with a lot. I may be paired with Chris."

Dan shoves everything he could think of needing in the small duffel bag he has: two pairs of extra clothing, an extra sweatshirt, plenty of socks, the only extra pair of shoes he has, non-perishable food, water bottles, a lighter, toilet paper, and the first aid kit provided by the school.

"Do you remember when they had us write down our top three closest friends?" Dan nods, waiting for Will to continue. "Who did you write down?"

"You, Chris, and Luke."

"Trust me, you won't be paired with any of us. Most likely, we will be paired with someone who's personality s far from any of the three we wrote down. This is supposed to be a 'team building recreational project."

"Can't we do something other that camp with someone we don't even know?"

"Hey, not my choice." Will shrugs, taking his bag in his hands. "Come on; we gotta be at the buses in ten minutes. I'd like to stop at the cafe before we are cut off from any real food."


Dan looks around the bus; including him, there are only six more students on the bus. The bus has stopped every ten minutes for an hour, letting two people off at a time.

They are trying to keep the pairs spread apart from each other. Only two people are to work together. You don't get to know who you're paired with until your stop comes. They are also trying to keep the sexes separate. They don't really want anyone having sex Dan guesses.

Will was paired with some guy named Mason. Dan thinks he's seen the boy around the dorm, but he can't be sure. Chris was paired with some boy named PJ. Luke was paired with a girl named Cindy. (Everyone knows Luke is gay. They don't have to worry about them doing the deed.)

After another five minutes of driving, the bus stops. The only teacher who bothered to come stands with her list of names.

"Daniel Howell," she says. Dan stands and grabs his bag. "Philip Lester."

Dan watches as a boy with dark, raven colored hair stands. His blue eyes and hair stand out against his pale skin.

Dan has a tech class with the boy, who Dan knows is called by Phil. Phil is one of those quiet kids, always reading or doing busy work. Dan has never really bothered to talk to him; of course, that'll have to change today. Dan also knows that Phil is a few years older than he is.

Dan makes his way to the front of the bus. The teacher hands Dan two bags, and one other bag to Phil. "Good luck," she comments, making Dan roll his eyes.

Dan hops off the bus, waiting for Phil, who slowly makes his way off the bus himself. The two stand at the side of the road and watch as the bus drives off.

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