Chapter One

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**♤~♤ = represents time change**

Chapter one

For yet another night Perry spent her time glancing over the railings of Angel Bridge. Staring deep down into the water below with fast flowing tides that tricked the human eye in to beliveing that there were only small and slow tides. Tiny waves clashed togther forming frothy water. It was beautiful how the busy city lights reflected onto the river - completing the perfect night scene that surround her like a warm mother's embrace. Perry sighed in awe as she lost herself to the water below. She pressed her cold body up against the silver railings as she lent over further to enhance her view and to rid her mind completely of the suffering she had face that day. She wiped away the painful tears that sprang to her eyes as the days happenings resurfaced in her mind.

Anger rose inside of her as hatred and hurt suffocated her. She gripped onto the railing and took deep breaths as her hands grew more firm on the bars until white circles formed on her knuckles. Her feet lifted up off of the ground and rested on a pole that lay horizontally running down the railings of Angel Bridge. All of Perry's weight relied on her feet as she released her hands and straightened up her body. Glancing around at the deserted bridge, Perry leaned forward so that her knees pressed against the railing stopping her from overthrowing herself and off into the river. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she rose her head up towards the sky. They flicked open at the stars that began to illuminate through the semi light sky above her head.

"Tell me what I should do... I can't take this anymore." At the word 'do' Perry's voice cracked and the rest of her plea came out as a tiny whisper. Realising her intentions she climbed back down immediately griping onto the railings for moral support once more. Panting was all she could do.

Stepping back, still holding onto the bar, she inhaled larger heaps of oxygen. Perry sniffled. As the sun set, a pretty shade of orange found its way onto the water canvas to join all the other vibrant colours. This calmed Perry's mind as she released her grasp and started to take steps backwards, away from her dangerous thoughts that invaded her head like an army of soldiers. Fluttering her eyes shut again she turned around facing the opposite direction of where she had just been. When her eyes looked her surroundings once more she doodled down the bridge and towards a place called home.


The sun that had set so beautifully the night before arose and woke Perry as the New York 's rare golden sun kissed her skin.

"Miss Perry, you're awake" Edward chimed when he came through the doors of her bedroom, greeting her with a warm smile . " Brought your favourite breakfast. Eggy bread" he smiled. Perry could only just bring herself to a smile. He placed the tray with her glass of orange juice and plate with four slices of Eggy bread that he spoke of down on her bed. Just as he turned around to exit her bedroom Perry called out after him.

"Edward ! would you like to join me this morning for breakfast?" He spun around with a smile in old green eyes.

" I would be delighted too, Miss Perry." He perched on the end of her bed and picked up a slice of Eggy Bread and munched on it taking small bites at a time. Perry too took a slice in her hands and held it up toward Edward as a thanks. Perry was more greatfull to Edward than he could ever know. He was not just a servant of the broken household in which she belonged too but a dear friend.

"Miss Perry. My son Jensen is coming to live with us for a while. Mr Carter said that it was quite okay but I thought I should know your your thoughts on this"

"That sounds wonderful. If he's as kind as as you Edward then I am sure we will get along just fine. "

"That's good. Thank you Miss Perry. I shall introduce you two at dinner this evening that Mr Carter is organising... it's a family dinner so I dislike my intrudence but your father insisted upon it."

The drowning of Perry HalesWhere stories live. Discover now