Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Their lips parted from each other when they could hear shouting from afar. There night kiss  was almost perfect without any interruptions. Perry hadn't finished with Jensen and she could see that he wasn't satisfactised either. The grumble that rumbled in the dark, deep and mysterious voice almost echoed from the distance to the pool side.

"YOU!" He shouted. Jensen stood up to face the figure that set a fast pace towards them. "YEAH YOU." He grinned with a sly facial expression. He was dressed all in back with only his green venomous eyes as a dash of colour to his sketchy  appearance.

The man edged closer and closer and closer to the pair. This stranger had a long thick wooden baseball bat in his hand which he gripped onto like his life depended on it.

"Hi...can I help you?" Jensen questioned in a collected voice but this seemed to just make the guy even angrier than he already was. Especially when Perry also stood up and clung to Jensens arm in fear of this voice and figure in which this voice belonged to. He darted forward.

Jensen crashed to the floor. The man had got the bat and swung it at his head.

"Jensen!" Perry knelt to his aid holding his battered head in her her arms, resting his head on her knees. The criminal screeched when he raised the bat and released his position to swing the bat into Jensen. He let out an agonised yelp as the guy continued to repeat this action. Every now then,after a few swings, he would kick him in the side of his stomach. Perry wrapped her arms around his head and buried her face into Jensens sweet hair in an attempt to shield his face and skull. Just as Perry glanced up at the animal she realised who it was. The moon glinted on his face and revealed his identify.

"Jake? " Perry murmured trying to figure out why he would be so atrocious with his actions.

"Surprise " he smirked.

Her eyes widened with fear as she witnessed what he was capable of. Her 'innocent' and 'sweet' ex. But he was far from it. The malevolence pierced Perry's skin. It was like processed by a demon. Blow after blow, Perry sat in Jensens blood trying to protect even though she knew she was useless she still tired. Jensen endured the pain for he would not give Jake the satisfaction.

Although, the pain that engulfed his body was too much to bear.

Perry could feel this. She could feel his desire to be safe and away from the lunatic.

"Stop." Perry begged with Jake. He stopped and stood there, twirling the bat on the ground.

"Why should I? "

"What has Jensen done to deserve this?"He shrugged. "Uh? Nothing. He's done nothing! "

"NOTHING?" the anger that rose on his throat was clear. With Perry's own anger rising inside off her, she gently pushed aside Jensens head being extra careful not to hurt him. She shoot up and shiver Jake in the ahoukder so that he fell back and dropped  bat.

"You jerk!" She screeched. "He's done nothing. Nothing I tell you."

"He kissed you!"

"I kissed him." Jake's nostrils flared and the skin on his face around his nose began to turn red. He clenched his fists tight together forming balls. "You have no right. We are over. You are nothing! Go.  Just go. Look what you have done!" Perry pointed down towards the unconscious Jensen.  Looking back at Jake, his fist blocked her view as he smacked her right in the face with his clenched fist. Pain shot through her nose, spreading out across her entire face. Blood dripped from her nostrils to her lips. It trickled onto the ground below her feet.

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