Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Perry dreamt of herself sinking down towards the bottom of the river bed. She had lunged herself off of Angel Bridge that night and she was drowning to her death. The water was all murky and had different kinds of fish swimming around her:carp was the common. At first the river was icy and prickly to her skin but eventually the water felt warm upon her skin. She could see the light shining through the crust of the water. Perry tired to swim up towards her freedom when she instantly  regretted  her decision. But something wouldn't let her. She was denied her freedom.

"Perry! Perry! Come back to me! Please. Oh god  no." A disheartened voice called out to her. A figure appeared in front of her, it was him. Jensen. Her heart pounded in her chest. She relished in the thought of herself being in his arms, him holding her close to his chest and promising to never let her go. Her nightmare had turned to a dream. A wonderful dream.

But it was far from it.

Jake was there. Why was he there? Tugging at her legs pulling her down to the river bed, Perry kicked her legs in her best efforts to release Jake's grip on her ankles. Before she knew it she was being pulled deeper and deeper into the water and Jensen disappeared leaving her there to drown in the hands of Jake.  Jensen had broke  his promise to Perry, he had left her he did let her go. If she wasn't underwater then she knew that tears would stream down her face and they would never stop.

Jensen heard the screams of terror  coming from Perry's room. His heart stopped at her anguished cries. Without thinking he swung the door open of her bedroom to find her tossing and turning and kicking her legs. She was afraid. The deep green of his eyes that shouted love softened. He rushed over to her side and tried to shake her a wake but Perry was deep into her nightmare . Instead he placed one finger in between her eyebrows and pushed down softly. Soon enough the wrinkles on her face smoothed out and her fear evaporated into thin air. Jensen signed in relief. Just as he was about to leave her room with satisfaction  that Perry was completely safe he heard her mutter

"Jensen. Don't leave you promised you wouldn't."

He chuckled.

"Perry I won't leave you, I gave you my word. But you're safe right now..." When he turned around to face what he thought would be a wide awake Perry, he was actually faced with a fast asleep one. Jensen placed his hands over his mouth in an attempt  to mute his laughter.

"NO! PLEASE. LET GO OF ME." Perry screamed from the top of her lungs. Jensen immediately ran to her side. " Just leave me alone. What have I ever done to you?" She whispered. Jensen heart wrenched from his chest when he saw Perry's frightened face.

"Perry? Perry? Please wake up!" He shook her vigorously, he was scared to death. Perry rose up in her bed with her eyes locked on Jensens. Her pain ridden eyes melted Jensen heart. "I didn't shake you too hard right?"

"Uh? No."

" Are you okay?" Perry sniffled back her tears as she recalled her dream.

"Erm yeah just a bad dream that's all. Just Just a dream." He lifted up his hand to stroke the side of her face.

"Are you sure sure? You seemed pretty scared. You had me worried." Perry let loose a smile for he had worried about her. She hadn't known him long but his ora was beautiful. She had been told once by her Grandmother June that the kindest of souls who are filled with nothing but love are those whom you can connect with in the matter of minutes of your first meeting with them. Their ora is bright and vibrant. It's cheerful. There's no explanation for it, it's just you and them and that's all that matters. She took a deep breathe to steady her nerves.

The drowning of Perry HalesWhere stories live. Discover now