Happiness Fades Sometimes

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  • Dedicated to My Great-grandmother, R.I.P

so this one was when i was last night. Was kind of down because it seems like everything important, people/animal wise, were dying or were at risk of dying (you guys dont need to know my life story so that’s all you are getting) so here is 1 out of 2 i wrote last night-  (p.s.- comment or whatever but no hate message PLEASE)

I was the rock/ when everyone started to cry/ give them tissues, pet their backs/ give comforting words/ until/ that single, perfect, red rose/ was placed into my fingers/ a single crimson, wild flower/ from a bouquet that lay on top/ of her sheets of silk/ above her final dirt bed/ and i cried/ harder than i expected/ vision no longer existent/ I was so close/ oh so close/ but i guess everyone's happiness/ needs to die, too

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