Hide But Already Seen

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So i have no idea when i wrote this poem and i know i havent posted a lot of new poems recently but stuff happens so anyway here is a "new" poem. the only logical explination for me creating this was i wanted to be sweet but it has like a sad twist but anyway i hope you guys like it!

The wind picks up/ blowing its soft kisses/ as soft as silk/ but just as quick/ as it gives you a kiss/ the wind picks up/ and slaps you/ in the face/ as hard as it can/ so it seems/ and knocks you out/ just like that/ leaving you gasping/ for that same air/ but guess what/ that wasnt the wind/ it was you/ your fake personality/ how i though/ you were one thing/ and you turned out to be/ another,/ acting and playing me/ just for your own needs,/ when does this game stop/ when do i get that soft kiss back/ those kind words that made me sqoon,/ where are they?/ why would you do that?

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