Silver Winglet: Small Group Discussion

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Silver Winglet:
Quartz (IceWing), Dust (SandWing), Starlifter (NightWing), Pineapple (RainWing), Starfish (SeaWing), Falcon (SkyWing), Worm (MudWing)
Starlifter's POV:

"Hello Silver Winglet! I am Fatespeaker, and it's nice to meet you all!" I look up at the very cheerful NightWing. Everyone else seems to be having the same thoughts as me.

Or at least, I think they are, it's hard to tell by their faces. "Okay everyone! Let's start with introductions." She points at me first.

"Your turn!" She seems way to happy, for a NightWing. I guess they never did anything for her to like them. I smile at me own words. Like me.

"I'm Starlifter," I begin. "I look forward to learning about you guys, you can ask questions now if you would like," I tell the class.

The SandWing raises his talon, and I point to him. "Can you mindread or see the future?" That's the question I get right off the bat? He doesn't trust me, so I shouldn't trust him.

"No." I say sincerely. He stares at me and then says, "Why should I trust you? Your tribe is filled with lying, conveying, anacondas."

Look, maybe I don't like the NightWings, but that, that was to far. "Okay, so maybe you don't trust me, not my problem." He stares at me again.

Why so much staring? "Is that all you got? No comeback? Wow." I say plainly. He gets up out of his seat, and my classmates look from him to me.

"You little alien. What kind of name is 'Starlifter' anyway?" I narrow my eyes at him as he stalks up to my desk. "The one my parents gave me, sandsnorter."

He hisses at me, then says, "I am no sandsnorter. If anything you're the cactusface." "Oh yeah? Why should I believe you? Your tribe is full of thieves, con-dragons, and murders."

He slams his talons down on my desk and brings his poisonous tail up to my neck. "I'll have you know that I'm not from the Scorpion Den." He hisses.

"I'm not afraid of you, not you, not your poisonous tail, not nothing. Go ahead, kill me, I'd be better off dead anyway." He look up to my eyes.

"You don't mean that." He says, and I can tell those words meant something to him. "I meant every word." I say. His tail drops from underneath my chin.

He grumbles as he walks back to his seat, his tail swinging dangerously from side to side. "Well that was . . . . interesting to say the least." Fatespeaker says.

"Well now I guess it's only fair for you to introduce yourself." She nods her head at the SandWing. "Fine." He says. "I'm Dust." He hisses, telling everyone that's it.

Dust, my new enemy, schools exciting already. Just like my parents promised. The IceWing raises her hand, and Fatespeaker says something to her. I don't listen, I'm to swept up in my thoughts.

I wasn't lying to Dust when I said I was better off dead, after all, I have nothing in this world to live for, mine as well get life over with. . . . Right?
Falcon's POV:

Starlifter's voice didn't waver for a fraction of a second, not when she was threatened by Dust, not when she said she was better of dead.

I glance over at Dust, and see him watching Starlifter closely, as if trying to see where she was weak. I hardly doubt that she has a weak spot, not physically nor mentally.

"My name's Quartz, and I'm besties with an IceWing princess, actually she goes here!" Besties? I didn't think royal IceWings were capable of that.

I see a flicker of a different emotion in Dust's face, one that I don't recognize, well, at least not from him. He must have felt me looking at him, because he turns his head to look at me.

He sits next to me, and I can hear him mumble a few words. "What are you looking at?" He says in a rough voice, but also with a little bit of embarrassment.

What could he be embarrassed of? The fact that I caught him staring? "Oh, nothing." He glares at me. He obviously knows I'm lying, but he's gonna get nothing out of me.

I turn my gaze to Starlifter, who looks lost in her thoughts. While I'm inspecting Starlifter, I say something to Dust. "You know it's not nice to stare right?"

I turn my head to look at him accusingly. His cheeks go a little pink, then he makes himself stop turning pink. "I could say the same thing to you."

He says, and I narrow my eyes at him. "At least I'm not staring at someone I just threatened, unlike you." He hisses. "Yeah well . . ."

"Excuse me, but if you could stop talking that would be great." Comes a voice from in front of us. I realize it's from a SeaWing. I can see from the back of his head that he's smiling.

"And who might you be?" I ask him, even though I know who he is. "I'm Starfish. I'm surprised you don't know me." "Oh I know who you are, I just wanted to make sure,"

"And I wanted to make sure our lovely acquaintance here knew as well." Dust glares at me, and Starfish turns around to look at us.

"Not to lovely is he?" Dust growls at Starfish. "I'm plenty lovely." He tells us. Starfish rolls his eyes. "You know Dust you just have a way of getting on everyone you meets nerves."

"I know, thanks for telling me whoever you are." I realize I never told him my name. "I'm Falcon." "How . . . . nice." He says. "You guys can talk now." Fatespeaker says.

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