Quartz Winglet: Small Group Discussion (Two)

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Quartz Winglet:
Flurry (IceWing), Mouse (SandWing), Asteroid (NightWing), Twango (RainWing), Akoya (SeaWing), Gust (SkyWing), Lillypad (MudWing)
Twango's POV:

He knows. Flurry knows. How? He just looked into my eyes and saw that I was a mindreader. Did he know because I turned my head at something he thought?

Yes. Well, probably. Why did he say, "Don't thank me for anything."? Why shouldn't I thank him? I search my mind for what he was thinking at that moment and come up with nothing. He either hid his thoughts or didn't have any at that time.

He was repelling me, he had an ice wall go up around his mind after his thoughts about secrets, I could hear a small echo of someone's voice but didn't hear the exact words.

Why am I so paranoid? Is it just a common trait with mind readers? Breathe, just breathe. You think to much. Slow down and clear your mind.

I clear my mind of my thoughts and other's thoughts. I sit with my eyes closed for a good two minutes until I hear one voice. NightWing.

Is she meditating? Strange, never met anyone like her before. She looks RainWing enough but . . . something looks off about her, she doesn't look full RainWing.

My eyes flick open and I see a NightWing that looks a dark grey and has lots of silver scales. His eyes look up at my open orange -yellow eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I didn't talk or move or make any sound, she must of sensed me here. She staring at me with those weird bright yellow eyes of hers, why? His mind wonders.

"No, no, you didn't." I say quietly and he gives me a little nod. "That's good. My name's Asteroid, and you are?" He asks me. Do I have to talk?

Yes, you do have to talk Twango. Uh, I have such a weird name. Mom, dad, why? "Nice to meet you Asteroid, my name is Twango."

Twango? Is that a fruit? Strange. His mind goes. I know what it stands for my mom's favorite fruit and part of my dad's name.

Twilight-Mango, my dad's name is Twilight. And yes, he is a NightWing, and mango for my mom's favorite fruit. And yes, she is a RainWing. And yes, I am a hybrid. And yes, my parents don't live with me anymore.

My parents the Killers in Disguise. My parents Toucan, and Twilight. My parents who have killed far to many dragons. My parents who made me kill a dragon when I was young.

My parents who whenever I mention them, and their connection to me, dragons get scared of me. For what my parents did, for the fear of me being like them.

But I'm not, and if dragons could actually understand that, maybe, just maybe, they would want me as a friend. One more thing to thank my parents for, my lack of friends, or more accurately, my zero friends. My loneliness.
Akoya's POV:

That IceWing isn't here, he left during the middle of discussion. The MudWing isn't here either, she rushed of as soon as Sunny said we could. The MudWing follows rules, the IceWing makes rules.

I can already tell that, judging by their actions. The IceWing's like me, well sort of. He and I, we're similar. But I haven't found out why.

He knows he has power and I know I have some power, being an heir to the SeaWing throne and all. But what does he have? He doesn't have anything symbolizing royalty.

So what else would make him powerful? Well, if he was royalty he wouldn't be able to take the throne but his family would have power, is that his confidence?

His family's power? If his family has power and my family has power, then we could be powerful allies, even if their is no war, not now, at least.

I should get to know him, make sure he knows we can be allies. There's just one problem. I don't know where he is at the moment.

I get up and walk over to the door, I peek out of the door and I see an empty hallway. It's so quiet so empty, so creepy. So abandoned.

I'm about to step out the door when I hear a voice from behind me, "Where are you going SeaWing?" I whip around, no one, absolutely no one, calls me a 'SeaWing'.

I face a reddish-yellow dragon with daggers for eyes. "Why do you care?" I snap at him. He looks down at me and for the first time I notice that he is about a three fourths of a foot bigger than me.

I stand tall and show no signs of fear, that's exactly what you should do in this situation. "Because if I'm going to be in a winglet with a SeaWing, I'm going to know where they are at all times."

"What do you have against SeaWings?" I ask him, and he hisses at me. "They killed my brother and father." I can see a flicker of sadness in his eyes.

He quickly fills that sadness with anger. "So your scared I'm going to hurt you?" His anger grows. "I'm not scared of a puny little SeaWing." He booms.

My curiosity turns into anger. Did he just call me puny? You are going to die SkyWing, and it won't be pretty. If anything you're going to be wishing you were already dead, how much pain you'll be in.

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