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What was heaven for you was hell for me, so I am going to get out of this hell.” this was the last thing I had said to my sister eight years ago before I stormed out of what people would call their 'home'. Now eight years later I am sitting right across my sister in a mediocre café in Daegu. “What is it that you had to see me not even an hour later I landed?” my voice has lost the softness, nineteen year old me would have never talked to anyone let alone my own sister like that.

Situations change people.

Now the twenty seven year old me had lost my gleaming smile and had a resting bitch face instead. “You have changed a lot.” my sister seems to have noticed the same. “What about it?” I raise a brow and took a sip of my caramel mocha, “Mother is not doing really well Mijeong--” I cut her off with any hesitance, “Anna, that's my name and also I don't care what happens to her.” somehow my own words pricked me. I shift my focus to the dim lit interior of the café.

“No matter what, she is still your mother Anna.” I can't help but scoff at her remark, “Oh really? She never seemed like one to me. Heejae, if there is nothing more you want to say I would very much like to leave. Your existence is making my jet lag worse.” I can see how unprepared she was for a response like this, I get up from my seat nonetheless. “Thanks for the coffee though, hope to see you never?” I give her a quick smile and grab my luggage and walk out the door.

I stand in front of the pedestrian crossing, glancing at the timer on the traffic light, 8 seconds. I can cross the road in that time, somehow my eyes fell on my sister through the glassed wall of the café, who was still sitting in the same place, her face buried in her hands. Was I too harsh? No Anna don't be silly, its nothing compared to how they treated you all these years... The road, I need to cross the road! I sprint towards the road but stop midway as a loud screech of tires blares through my ears followed by multiple horns.

I didn't realise when I had my eyes closed but I open them slowly, a black Mercedes only inches away from my body. Few people start approaching me, asking if I was okay. But my sight fixed on the man who stepped out of the car, clad in what looked like an expensive custom made suit. Our eyes meet, there is no denying that he is an extremely attractive man. Fuck! I just got ran over by a chaebol. "Anna! Oh my!" a familiar voice resonated through the crowd, I followed the chaebol's gaze to the source of the sound, Heejae was walking out of the café towards me.

I need to leave, I look back that the attractive suit man whose eyebrows were now knit together studying me curiously, I quickly bow as an apology and make my way towards the other side of the road just wanting to get to my brand new apartment and forget all about my first few hours of being back in Korea.


I knock at the smooth surface of the well furnished door which was followed by a 'come in'. "Why won't you let me quit?" is the first thing I say as soon my eyes meet the man sitting in front of me. Min Yoongi, CEO of Min Security, one of the most prominent company in it's industry, providing protection to high profile celebrities, politicians and government officials. His name itself reverberates the intimidating aura he possesses, I couldn't care less though. His gaze falls on me as I take a seat across from him. "Are you kidding? You are one of my bests." He says ideally, spinning a glass sphere paper weight in between his fingers.

"Min Yoongi desperately needing someone, never thought I would get to witness this." a smirk covers my lips, "Well you better shut up before this becomes the last thing you witness." the usual coldness lace his voice. Min Yoongi is in his late thirties but it seems like he stopped aging at the age of twenty two. "I need a break hyung." I persist, "Take a break then, I don't see why you would have to quit." he frowns with his reply. "Buy me a ticked to Paris." I said getting up from my seat, "Report back when I ask you too." he says tossing his black card towards me.

"Why must I do this? You have just as much money as I do if not more." Yoongi speculates, "I will consider this my birthday present from you." I wave his card in front of his face. "Fuck you, you little shit." He chuckles, "Fuck you too." I say before walking out of his office.


“I am sorry I don't get you? What you mean a large sum has been withdrawn from my account?” I tapped my feet impatiently against the title floor of what could be the front desk of my new apartment. Yet now I am talking to a bank agent. “No, I did not make a withdrawal. Listen sir, my debit card has just been declined, I can't put down the first deposit for my apartment. Where the hell am I supposed to live?” I am not the one to blame for my mood.

“How do I calm down? How could you process the withdrawal?” I can see the owner eyeing me suspiciously from my peripheral vision. “It was signed by me? The cheque?” I had to lower my voice. “No I did not—” then it strikes. “I will call you back.” I cut the call and excuse myself out of the building, instantly dialing a familiar number.

“Anna? what's wrong? are you—” I cut the person off, “What the actual fuck Heejae? What is wrong with you? Why did you— How could you—” I can feel myself tearing up. “Do you have any idea how much I had to work my ass off for that money you just took out of my account?” I am taking deep breaths, stopping the tears from spilling. “What money? Anna I have no idea what you are talking about.” I feel stupid just trying to reason with her.

“If you had to steal, why did you put on the sweet act earlier? I should have known, you people would never change, like mother like daughter.” with that I cut the call and find myself squatting down beside the apartment complex. I am homeless now, I don't have any money in my account, I can't go back to London, what am I supposed to do? I have to get the job I came for first. Yes, I need to start from there.

My eyes fall on the suitcase beside me, how am I going to do that? Where do I spend the night— “Are you alright?” I look up from my position, it was him the attractive suit man.

━━━ 절대 가족을 배신하지 않다 ━━━
« Never betray your family »

『 • Keywords :
» Daegu — Daegu is a city in North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea.
» Chaebol — A chaebol is a large industrial South Korean conglomerate run and controlled by an individual or family (here in the story referred to a person in a high ranking position.
» Hyung — A word used by Korean males to address another male older than them who they are close to.


• 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔 • 𝐉𝐉𝐊 [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now